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Merry Christmas~~~!!!|聖誕快樂呀~~~~!!!|圣诞快乐呀~~~~!!!

havnt update my blog for almost a week, becoz of... JOY!!!! DOUBLE JOY!!! This lovely couple Edmond and Karen has been two people i've been friends with since forever, and they still love each other like back in the days, how nice! and me, being the girl behind Karen, is really happy to see the two of you finally walking  down the aisle!!! YEAH~~~~

so since last week, i gotta take care of everything and make sure they have the perfect wedding, being the leader of the girls team for the wedding party. i've been all around the place, getting nothing down my stomache, and running in my 6inch heels! (you probably know i never really wear heels!!) this is worse than shooting in tokyo!!!!

ALL DONE!! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs Leung!

great! christmas is here with a wink of the eye!!! (its been a year already!!) and me, the Party Monster is not gonna let go of such a great party season!! I've already got myself signed up for a bunch of events!! so you guys should all go out and enjoy the holidays as well! (fyi, i dont think u'll be able to find me these days! heehee...)

so let me say to you all here already MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! GET CRUNKED! GET WASTED!! LET'S PAAAAAAARTY!!

since there's no such snowing days in hk, so i've made some snowmen for yall in japan! hope u'd like this little christmas gift i have for you!!!

(in fact, i made them when i helped out on the tvb series 'the seventh day', aint that cute?)

algihty, and! after christmas -- i'll see you on 28th!!! YEAH~~~~

i have to make another announcement here: i've changed my mind again!! on top of my wishlist for christmas is --- CHRISTMAS CARD!!! for those of you who're planning to get me something, christmas cards shall do the trick! FOR REAL, with ur own words in it please!!! dont you think that's the sweetest gift?! even since there's email and facebook, no one ever find time to write a card no more!! no good no good! please dont waste your money on getting me stuff! you can send the money to Sichun to the needy instead, which would make me even happier! im sure you can find happiness helping the others!! ( being the happy girl im, i think i was probably one of those who'd put they're property on mortage to get money to save the poor in my past life!! heehee..)

OK, i feel like im writing an essay here... so, see you on the 28th! it's probably cold that day, so dress warm to enjoy ur bbq wings~~~!!!

PS: ay, i finally had the courage to open up an artist page on alivenotdead lately, highly recommanded and encouraged by my great friend Grace Yip. In fact, a lot of my friends had been on alivenotdead for a long time already, but i've been lazy and i really thot it'd be too tough to handle two blogs at the same time. so we've been talking about it, and i've never put it into action, untill Grace said, 'no worries, you dont have to write on both blogs, they'll import the blogs for you!! its not troublesome at all!' so here im with.....


go check it out when you have time! the content of my blogs are the same! (and i'll still keep replying to ur comments on yahoo!! no worries guys!!!! heeheeheee......)


囍!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 大囍事呀!!!梁漢文同Karen呢一對天生一對嘅碧人實在係同小弟由細玩都大, (係由後生玩都老 )但係佢地依然仲係咁相親相愛,真係羡殺旁人呀!而我作為karen個衣櫃裏的女人,亦都老懷安慰,終於等到呢個開心過自己嫁嘅婚禮嘞!!!!!! YEAH~~~~~~



好嘞,轉吓眼,聖誕節就到嘞!!!(咁快又一年啦!!)當然我呢種Party Monster係唔會放過呢D最有得玩嘅節日架啦!!一連串嘅x'mas活動已經安排好晒嘞!所以呢幾日大家都應該盡興D慶祝佳節!(同埋應該搵我唔到架嘞!heehee...)

咁我就喺度預早同大家講聲 聖誕快樂!!!祝大家飲到不醉無歸!不醒人事!!!恭喜恭喜!!



好啦,仲有!過埋聖誕----28号你地就見到我架啦!!! YEAH~~~~

喺呢度又要發表一個嚴重聲明:就係我又突然改變主意啦!!(我「如風」呢個名並唔係浪得虛名架!!haha...)今年聖誕我最想收到嘅禮物就係--- 聖誕咭!!所以你地如果想送禮物比我嘅話就送christmas card啦!!講真架!裏面要有寫字架!!大家唔覺得寫聖誕咭先係最有心意最窩心架咩?!自從發明咗email同facebook之後,大家都好似忘記咗呢份情懷啦!! no good no good!千祈唔好浪費金錢買D大大件嘅禮物比我呀!一係就送禮或送現款去四川繼續幫我地嘅同胞賑災,我會仲開心!!幫到人,自己又積到福!我保證你仲開心過我!! (我前世應該係押埋層樓去救災嗰D人,今世先咁幸福咋!! heehee...)



PS:呀,我最近終於都鼓起勇氣,同埋喺好友葉佩雯嘅極力慫恿下,喺alivenotdead.com開咗個artist page啦!!其實alivenotdead大家庭裏面嗰班一直都有好多自己人,不過我就一直都懶and驚handle唔到2個blog!所以講咗成年一路都唔肯開,直至阿Grace話:「唔怕架,唔洗寫2邊架!佢地會直接幫你transfer yahoo個blog過去架!唔係好麻煩架咋!」結果.............


大家得閒無嘢做就過去望吓啦!其實blog嘅內容係一樣架咋!(我仲會覆返yahoo呢邊嘅留言多D添!!! 大家放心!!! heeheeheee......)


囍!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 大囍事呀!!!梁汉文同Karen呢一对天生一对嘅碧人实在係同小弟由细玩都大, (係由后生玩都老 )但係佢地依然仲係咁相亲相爱,真係羡杀旁人呀!而我作为karen个衣柜里的女人,亦都老怀安慰,终于等到呢个开心过自己嫁嘅婚礼嘞!!!!!! YEAH~~~~~~



好嘞,转吓眼,圣诞节就到嘞!!!(咁快又一年啦!!)当然我呢种Party Monster係唔会放过呢D最有得玩嘅节日架啦!!一连串嘅x'mas活动已经安排好晒嘞!所以呢几日大家都应该尽兴D庆祝佳节!(同埋应该搵我唔到架嘞!heehee...)

咁我就喺度预早同大家讲声 圣诞快乐!!!祝大家饮到不醉无归!不醒人事!!!恭喜恭喜!!

由于香港无雪,所以我好有大家心咁特登喺日本带咗几个雪人返嚟喺度送比大家! 希望你地钟意我呢份圣诞礼物啦!!!


< br>

好啦,仲有!过埋圣诞----28号你地就见到我架啦!!! YEAH~~~~

喺呢度又要发表一个严重声明:就係我又突然改变主意啦!!(我「如风」呢个名并唔係浪得虚名架!!haha...)今年圣诞我最想收到嘅礼物就係 --- 圣诞咭!!所以你地如果想送礼物比我嘅话就送christmas card啦!!讲真架!里面要有写字架!!大家唔觉得写圣诞咭先係最有心意最窝心架咩?!自从发明咗email同facebook之后,大家都好似忘记咗呢份情怀啦!! no good no good!千祈唔好浪费金钱买D大大件嘅礼物比我呀!一係就送礼或送现款去四川继续帮我地嘅同胞赈灾,我会仲开心!!帮到人,自己又积到福!我保证你仲开心过我!! (我前世应该係押埋层楼去救灾嗰D人,今世先咁幸福咋!! heehee...)



PS:呀,我最近终于都鼓起勇气,同埋喺好友叶佩雯嘅极力怂恿下,喺alivenotdead.com开咗个artist page啦!!其实alivenotdead大家庭里面嗰班一直都有好多自己人,不过我就一直都懒and惊handle唔到2个blog!所以讲咗成年一路都唔肯开,直至阿Grace话:「唔怕架,唔洗写2边架!佢地会直接帮你transfer yahoo个blog过去架!唔係好麻烦架咋!」结果.............


大家得閒无嘢做就过去望吓啦!其实blog嘅内容係一样架咋!(我仲会覆返yahoo呢边嘅留言多D添!!! 大家放心!!! heeheeheee......)

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares



english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Hong Kong
December 1, 2008