我地 #兄弟班 下年一定要call齊人,帶住我地套新戲返來行紅地毯!
This is us saying we're… https://t.co/f9ywi4F8n8
agnesb_asia… https://t.co/ZOOLsRGGME
The gang swagged out on #bigboysclub Sherman, this one's for… https://t.co/pvCFZLhjlh
My trainer's idea of a warm down ? Edmund:… https://t.co/wpevGG80i8
Everyone and everything that shows up… https://t.co/I48BuNSpeL
為左 #兄弟班 差唔多4個月唔敢剪頭髮 終於有得剪嘅時候原來會唔慣自己個頭細左咁多? 4 months of growing my hair out for… https://t.co/INMBEpboB7
當 #兄弟班 遇上 #古天樂 之 聯合國 #天下一 大合照 ?????????? United Colors of #HouseOfTheRisingSons meets Mr.… https://t.co/jopklSQSLX
除左要多謝 tomleemusic.hk 提供靚聲之外 仲要特別鳴謝 hinscheung 借我珍藏電子琴一用! Other than the always awesome… https://t.co/EDeqB6QG9U
我地「細溫拿」今日終於同「大溫拿」喺 #香港影視展 合體喇!
Finally, on stage with the #Wynners to announce our… https://t.co/0SNz1pJmxL
My Website: www.jon-wong.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/jonwong63 Sina blog: http://t.sina.com.cn/jonwongzixuan Japanese Website: http://www.avexnet.or.jp/jona