走啊走啊 走到哪兒了 那條回家的路已遠去了 想啊想啊 想起你了 只怕不夠時間看你的黑髮 變成白髮
Throwback to training for #JohnnieTo 's #Three in 2015 前年拍 #杜琪峰 嘅 #三人行 呢一幕之前練左3個幾禮拜
The pen is mightier than the sword 用呢隻手改變世界歷史 有人話你無知 起碼你肯嘗試 我要用呢隻手寫出我嘅歌詞 無論你鍾唔鍾意
等左七年嘅幸福! 今日聽左Sammi同我合唱嘅 #等一等幸福 未? 曲:王梓軒/ #陶山 詞: #小寒 編: @t2tattong /陶山 監:王梓軒/蔡德才 https://t.co/M3Rj6FbOPs
之前細佬送呢粒嘢俾我嗰時我都唔知有咩用 依家發覺最想?人嘅時候佢就大派用場 Honestly wasn't sure how useful this fidget toy was until… https://t.co/dvJHLJLr2a
香港一日遊完畢,又再起程了???????? HK don't miss me too much ??
@tumitravel imaginexgroup Hair:… https://t.co/HbNkubTTRM
原來我已經有噤耐冇返公司攞嘢?? Thank you #fancl ! 亦順便預祝你地2017年Merry Christmas! ??? https://t.co/odR7coRq13
Thank you boblamshingbun and chessmanhk ? Bob,識你噤耐,終於等到你呢句。。。 ⚪️⬛️ thermoshk https://t.co/iN1dQKhe8k
My Website: www.jon-wong.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/jonwong63 Sina blog: http://t.sina.com.cn/jonwongzixuan Japanese Website: http://www.avexnet.or.jp/jona