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wow! 呢隊來自台灣的樂隊幾好聽! woah - this is an awesome band from Taiwan! 共犯結構 Accomplices

接近 9 年 前 24 赞s  暂无评论  2 shares

a lot of bad news today...

our hearts go out to the people of Belgium...rest in power to those who've lost their lives and more power to the families who have to now find the strength to grieve and pick up the pieces of their lives.

RIP to the Singaporeans who lost their lives on the subway in Singapore...

American punk rock band Total Chaos got ripped off by a promoter and are now stuck in Jakarta. if you can donate money to help them get home then check out the link below...if you can't then at least spread the word.

these ar...Read more

接近 9 年 前 54 赞s  暂无评论  26 shares

四月十五號大家小心D睇show啊!聽人講,人地好努力啊!:-) Yo - best be careful at our April 15th show - word is out that people are practicing hard for it! hahahaha...

演出資料: Guangdong Punk Hardcore Ain't Dead!

接近 9 年 前 78 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


  1. 張相裡面搵唔到我地成員!PER撚FECT! 呢D場嘅好處就係咁樣。你玩樂隊好型咩?So what!? 無熱情嘅觀眾一齊活落去絕對無用啦。硬核文化經常的說話: My mic is your mic 我支mic係你支mic My stage is your stage 我個舞台就係你嘅舞台 所以搵唔到我地成員係最最最最開心的情況!

  2. 好感激呢位攝影師夠膽係咁混亂的情況裡會拍底呢個超正的畫面!成晚都見到人地不故意推佢左推右但係佢一次都無發脾氣或者推返D人。佢絕對係想respect呢場show!Thank you Kenneth!!!! 3. 令到我地超期待下場show! April 15 Focal Fair!

廣東朋克!廣東硬核!仲未死! Defiant Scum 香港street punk Feel of All 香港pop punk What A Beautiful Day 深圳hardcore King Ly Chee 香港hardcore @kennevia_photography @feelofall

接近 9 年 前 147 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

2016年三月十二號 Mar 12, 2016

參與活動的樂隊 - 請"like"佢地網站!請聽下佢地D歌!請支持我地本地樂隊! FightxClub Disanxian (地三鲜) 遊蕩 Yau Dong What A Beautiful Day

廣東硬核的重新開始!當日的表演從第一隊(深圳的新血樂隊 Shoot The Gun 殺貪官) 到最後 (99年開始的我地 :-) 成晚的感覺都係好似大家等咗好耐睇一場有意思的本地hardcore show。都唔知最近幾時有咁樣的本地hardcore show。今次的新開始以後我地搞Dshow儘量會包括我睇深圳/廣州/澳門/廣東區的punk/hardcore樂隊因為我地都係同一個圈子! 佢地咁多年一直支持緊我地香港punk/hardcore樂隊,現在佢地自己都有band我地一定要全心全力支持返佢地!That was the day that we restared this whole hardcore thing down here in Hong Kong! The show from the very start was operating at a whole different level of passion becaus...Read more

接近 9 年 前 53 赞s  暂无评论  14 shares

廣東朋克 | 廣東硬核 仲未死得! Guangdong Punk Hardcore Ain't Dead Yet!

DATE: April 15, 2016 (FRIDAY!!!) VENUE: Focal Fair PRICE: 150HKD TIME: 8:30 BANDS: Feel Of All - Hong Kong pop punk Defiant Scum - Hong Kong street punk What A Beautiful Day - Shenzhen hardcore King Ly Chee - Hong Kong hardcore

場show目標 Purpose: 重新開始我地本地punk和hardcore scene. 今次場show請咗兩隊本地punk rock樂隊Feel of All和Defiant Scum. 仲有一隊來自深圳的hardcore樂隊What A Beautiful Day, 仲有香港hardcore樂隊King Ly Chee. In our attempt to restart punk and hardcore in Hong Kong this time we've invited two Hong Ko...Read more

接近 9 年 前 88 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

wow! 好感動本地人/本地媒體/本地音樂世界的人會留意我地。。。我地都希望大家見到呢個消息會感到proud - proud of hong kong!

多謝Blow 吹音樂的留意和支持!


接近 9 年 前 265 赞s  暂无评论  17 shares

Holy shit! Ray Barbee with a King Ly Chee CD in his hand...finally got to meet one of my street skateboarding heroes! Insane!

接近 9 年 前 125 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

如果香港人可以改變自己好似呢個片咁-一見到唔對路的事件然後即刻出聲 - 七十一個職員可能仲係到。係時候要提醒自己 - 呢個 “唔關我事” 嘅態度係代表你個人好自私。新香港人應該要更加關心他人 - 無論咩國籍/種族 -一見到人地需要幫助即刻去幫。If us in HK can remember how important is to stand up and speak when something is not right, like the people in this video, that poor 7-11 employee from last week would probably still be alive today.

接近 9 年 前 53 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

深圳hardcore樂隊殺貪官fullset視頻現已可以享受!場 show就係我地上個禮拜安排的全hardcore show! 氣氛正到爆!Check out our brothers in Shenzhen hardcore band Shoot The Gun! They've put up a fullset live video from their recent set at the show we put on last weekend!

好期待四月十五號場show! 到時見!We can't wait for the next show we're putting on April 15 at Focal Fair! SEE YOU THEN!

April 15 (Friday) VENUE: Focal Fair BANDS: :-) 儘快通知

接近 9 年 前 14 赞s  暂无评论  3 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d


Hong Kong
April 19, 2007