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Hardcore永遠會係適合D 細 D 嘅地方。無舞台,觀眾們和樂隊完全無距離。。。近幾年我地香港好幸福突然間有好多正場地可以表演。。。但係對我地個風格來講 - 呢D場全部都太大!哈哈。。。人地唔係好識欣賞所以一直都係香港出show一D都唔好玩。但係上個禮拜六終於搵得返以前出show個感覺。一個勁細地方,一開始玩成場和畫面完全混亂到仆街!正!表演的時搵唔返我隻mic!正!成晚從第一隊到最後個隊D表演者全部留咗係到 - 唔係企後面睇,係企係個pit裡面一齊搞氣氛!This is hardcore. 好似呢張咁 - 成晚都好爆炸 - 唔多人唔緊要 - 來睇D人全部好釋放自己!變咗係一晚勁難忘的演出!四月十六號會再搞一場!一定會繼續係呢到搞 Focal Fair! 到時見!演出單位盡快會宣布!@patmanfong

接近 9 年 前 160 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

*sorry y'all - i don't care - i'm tagging THOUSANDS of you!!!! :-) King Ly Chee's headed to USA :-) 早晨啊大家!今日終於可以宣布一個超正的消息!你地嘅本地香港樂隊荔枝王今個夏天將會去美國巡演!咩巡演呢?就係做我地英雄樂隊 Sick Of It All 三十週年巡演的暖場樂隊!痴線啊!!!!!!!!我地今次個巡演絕對會好proud上台代表香港/亞洲重型音樂世界!希望大家睇到呢個消息都會感到自豪!多謝大家咁多年的支持!非常多謝我地英雄 Sick of it All 的認同,支持,鼓勵。。。估到估唔到佢地會請我地過去美國巡演!GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! We can finally announce the most amazing thing to happen for us! Our ultimate hardcore heroes Sick of it All have invited us to come out to open their 30 year anniversary East Coast dates! THIS IS CRAZY! You KNOW we will g...Read more

接近 9 年 前 138 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

早晨啊大家!今日終於可以宣布一個超正的消息!你地嘅本地香港樂隊荔枝王今個夏天將會去美國巡演!咩巡演呢?就係做我地英雄樂隊 Sick Of It All 三十週年巡演的暖場樂隊!痴線啊!!!!!!!!我地今次個巡演絕對會好proud上台代表香港/亞洲重型音樂世界!希望大家睇到呢個消息都會感到自豪!多謝大家咁多年的支持!非常多謝我地英雄 Sick of it All 的認同,支持,鼓勵。。。估到估唔到佢地會請我地過去美國巡演!GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! We can finally announce the most amazing thing to happen for us! Our ultimate hardcore heroes Sick of it All have invited us to come out to open their 30 year anniversary East Coast dates! THIS IS CRAZY! You KNOW we will get on stage and wear our Hong Kong/Asian pride loud and proud! Thank you to EVERYONE for your many years of support ...Read more

接近 9 年 前 297 赞s  暂无评论  45 shares

This is our new beginning. Best Hong Kong show in many many years...表達唔到。。。因為場地關係,今晚場香港show係近幾年最好玩之一。場地夠細所以我地咁細嘅hardcore scene就係超級perfect!!!!!!!! 希望Focal Fair可以堅持呢個地方!!thank you dom and Man for your support tonight!!!!


April 16!!! More info soon!

接近 9 年 前 66 赞s  暂无评论  3 shares

聽晚台上再見!:-) 幾首歌姐。。。香港現在咁嘅環境我都要發洩下。香港現在更需要hardcore和punk rock. See you all on stage tomorrow night! Will be playing guitar again for a couple songs. After the damn despicable shenanigans of the stupid HK government today we all need more punk rock and hardcore in our lives. 聽晚係銅鑼灣的Focal Fair見 8點正開show!The show is tomorrow night at Focal Fair! Starts at 8pm SHARP!

接近 9 年 前 92 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

現在都唔知點樣花能力宣傳聽晚的演出。只可以講 - hardcore最教到我一樣嘢就係永遠都要靠自己去生活,自己去搵條路 DIY FOR LIFE。現在呢個政府更加會推我堅持呢個想法。I don't even know how we can spend time promoting tomorrow's show with the bullshit that happened today with our government. All I can say is, if hardcore has taught me anything, is to ALWAYS rely on yourself. Don't depend on anyone else - most definitely not this or any government.

聽晚更想發洩下。See you tomorrow night at 8!

Focal Fair演出 8pm正開 show (8pm sharp) 150HKD walk in

頭八十人仲會得到D免費正嘢食 - 場地邀請咗好朋友(前chock ma吉他手)啊拳準備D嘢食俾大家!:-) 到時準時到啦!第一隊"殺貪...Read more

接近 9 年 前 33 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

多一隊俾你地聽下 - 來自韓國的emotional hardcore樂隊叫 Animal Anthem! 岩岩發出新專輯 - 喜歡Modern Life is War / More Than Life / Have Heart就會好鍾意呢隊!

繼續留意下亞洲的樂隊啦!呢邊D bands 都好勁啊!

接近 9 年 前 31 赞s  暂无评论  4 shares


接近 9 年 前 61 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

緊年幾鍾意的新血香港樂隊: Sense of Silence 仲有 Planck - 留意下呢兩隊。Two newer HK bands to look out for Sense of Silence and Planck. GOOD bands.

接近 9 年 前 83 赞s  暂无评论  7 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d


Hong Kong
April 19, 2007