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King Lychee
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超期待我地下場show! 三月十二號在銅鑼灣新開的場地 Focal Fair! 講真 - 好耐無試過搞一場咁少壓力的show! hahahahaha...地方夠細所以唔需要好hard sell宣傳呢場!人地唔想睇就唔需要我地迫佢地過來 :-) 平時搞show勁要推介個show,推介個band,然後要叫自己屋企人,叫D好耐無見過D朋友,call呢個friend,call果個friend,whatsapp曬所有contact listD人求所有人來撐場show因為唔想賠錢!哈哈哈哈。。。超麻煩。。。


搞咗一場全hardcore show。表演單位全部都係自己人。三隊本地hardcore band / 三隊深圳hardcore band。 人地鍾意hardcore就自然會過來。


almost 9 years ago 9 likes  0 comment  0 shares

March 12, 2016 - Guangdong Hardcore Show in Hong Kong at Focal Fair (Causeway Bay)! More info: www.facebook.com/kinglychee @starcrossedtattoo @richphipson

almost 9 years ago 72 likes  0 comment  0 shares

WOW!!! 一起身聽到香港band出咁好聽的一首!正啦!喜歡Deftones的朋友實會鍾意呢隊叫 Chillbeat! Woah - as soon as I get up I get to hear an awesome HK band with a brand new release! Check out this heavily Deftones-influenced band called CHILLBEAT!


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almost 9 years ago 15 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Our brother Mike has entered a photography competition and we're all about supporting our family! Get on this and support our friend!

almost 9 years ago 3 likes  0 comment  1 share

Oh my god...成日不停播呢隊來自印尼樂隊叫 @_raung 的新碟!超正!我依家迫緊佢地快D放D歌係bandcamp到然後可以俾全地球聽!正到爆!

almost 9 years ago 67 likes  0 comment  0 shares

得一個方法形容呢個lun樣。就係lun樣。我絕對討厭呢D仆街成日要話香港土生土長的非中國籍的人士要離開香港 -或者係香港發生緊的事唔關我地事。屌你老母 - 你想我地去邊?我係香港長大啊屌拿星!因為我唔係中國籍我無得表達我對香港政府/警察的不滿?!

雖然呢個片唔係我拍 - 係另外一個外籍人士拍的,但係裡面聽到的說話我聽過好lun多次!每次聽到一樣咁火爆。

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almost 9 years ago 76 likes  0 comment  0 shares

So stoked to be able to do my small part to help out our Asian hardcore scene...check out an exclusive premiere by the boys in Under 18 from Indonesia who are going to release their third full length next month! Thanks for the support/love Under 18! 雖然我力量不大但係好開心可以用我能力幫下亞洲區的硬核樂隊!來聽下來自印尼硬核樂隊 Under 18的新作品!下個月佢地將會發出第三張大唱片!

almost 9 years ago 34 likes  0 comment  1 share

點知人地咁鍾意食薯條!我憤怒的時候要讓我冷靜就即刻播返 hardcore啦!:-) 沒睇呢個片的朋友上去下面個link睇一睇! Don't mess with French fries my friend! This shit is gold! If you want me to calm the fuck down - play some hardcore - there's always solution! If you haven't seen the video get on this link: http://uniteasia.org/hk-metalcore-band-parallel-horizon-release-new-french-fry-video-inviting-yours-truly/

almost 9 years ago 64 likes  0 comment  0 shares

香港punk rock樂隊Defiant Scum慶祝緊佢地十週年!為香港發展punk rock文化佢地已努力咗十年!希望大家可以多多支持下佢地!地下文化一定唔應該分樂隊成員係咩國籍/唱咩語言 - 如果係好音樂就要全力支持。Hong Kong punk rock band Defiant Scum are celebrating 10 years of punk rock in Hong Kong this year! Putting 10 years worth of time into Hong Kong ain't easy (nor pretty) so we certainly more of you would be down to supporting these guys. Th underground is certainly not a place to put up barriers because of race, ethnicity or language - if the music's good, get behind it 100%.

Defiant Scum加油!

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almost 9 years ago 5 likes  0 comment  2 shares

Bangkok - Thailand - this was the flyer from our very first show in Bangkok in 2004...organized by both Yos and Chris of Arise Fanzine at Inmortal Bar...one of the best shows we played in Bangkok...

almost 9 years ago 29 likes  0 comment  0 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007