Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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Just completed my final shoot of 2014! Working till the last minute before flying off tonight. ? #workaholic

One of my most prominent roles on TV to date. It was a privilege to play the role of Yiying, an intellectually disabled older sister who loves her sisters very much.

Airing 12 Mar - 8 Apr, 2014. Role: Yiying 一英 Appeared in Episodes 1, 2 & 3.

Just finished a photoshoot to add to my portfolio pictures. Feeling pretty today, thanks to the MUA, Ms Christine Lim. ?

Spent a good part of my day at MediaCorp today - doing imaging for a new period drama filming next year. Looking forward to the experience!

Throwback to being on set with #YomiOkto. Having a beach party with director Sanif & my "son"! It's an honor to work with Sanif, whose film「Sayang Disayang」is Singapore's entry to the 2015 Foreign Language Oscars.

Last audition of 2014 - I think! - Done. That's the most the workaholic in me can squeeze in before I go on my year-end holiday. 12 more days to Japan! And up to 4 or 5 productions lined up between now and then. Gonna work really hard so I can justify the well-deserved break ?

Just filmed a comedic scene for the "Love Is Love" Telemovie, and was complimented for being a seasoned actor. I love my work.

At Day 2 of a week-long Viewpoints workshop. Got a call regarding a possible TVC earlier today but my availability may clash :/ hope all goes well & I can still get that job! fingers crossed

Good morning, world. Waiting for hair, makeup & wardrobe before starting today's shoot. Such a lovely day. Have an awesome weekend y'all!

My birthday has (almost) passed by, and I haven't done anything different from any other day. Attended an audition, ran a few errands. And got a few of my shoots this week cancelled. :/

But despite the mundaneness, I appreciate every wish & blessing that my friends & family have sent my way. For one day, I feel slightly, just that bit, special. Maybe when you've sent that birthday message, you've thought about me, for those few seconds - the same way I recall our friendship when I read your messages. Thank you.

I like to think I'...Read more


Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008