Now with the advent of social media, I find I have a multitude of social media accounts, and no idea what to do with them. How do I become a social media star (assuming I'd even want to be one)?
I guess I should resume my sparse Vlogging - I only seem to do it when I'm overseas i.e. Hong Kong & Australia, because really, how interesting could life be here? And I can't videotape stuff when I'm on set, as tempted as I am to do so. I may be tackled by security...Read more
I haven't updated in over a month! September has been exceptionally exciting & fruitful, and I'm so grateful for many people & many things in my life. Firstly, the InHerShoes 2011 - Art & Music Against Cancer event went on smoothly. We put together the entire event in just 5 weeks - including the entire venue setup, a 4-hour concert lineup, as well as arts & holistic health stalls - thanks to the help of many volunteers & our partners, National Cancer Centre (NCC) & National Parks (NParks).Read more
AllForHope ViralThis year, I'm involved in organising INHERSHOES - ART & MUSIC AGAINST CANCER - a cancer fundraiser involving a host of local celebs who will be performing, including Adrian & Tracie Pang, Jack and Rai, Joanna Dong, Linda Black& many others.To spread the word, we've created a video that will hopefully go viral & help us get more peo...Read more
Look at the state of my Organizer after just 2 months or so. The poor thing is falling apart. It's been a trusty companion thus far, and I love how I can keep track of everything happening in my career.
This week, I've just been to an audition for a
"Nerdy Girl" character, and I'm really hoping I'll nail it - with my nerdy spectacles complete with braces - the one time my...Read more
I am an empty pitcher, waiting to be filled with words, with a character's history, with the presence of people around me. This is not meant to be a poetic metaphor. Rather, this is who I am, and this is something I must embrace in life.This thought was birthed out of a conversation with a new actor-director friend I have had many conversations with recently. He asked a few actor friends & me this question: "
Do you act in real life?" I answered, &...Read more
Pink Dot marked its third year today, and it was the first time I joined in this event to support the Freedom to Love. From a turnout of 2,500 in 2009, to a crowd of 4,000 last year, it more than doubled to 10,000 this year. And that means a lot for the LGBTQ community here.Everyone deserves the freedom to love. Everyone. And there was so much love & acceptance present there today. “That which makes you different is what makes you strong. Whether y...Read more
I just came back from a whirlwind trip to Hong Kong - mainly to attend a workshop with one of my acting mentors, Jeanne Hartman. She was conducting a two-day workshop, but due to filming commitments, I could only make it for the second day.It was a great experience nonetheless. I haven’t attended an acting class since January when I was in Sydney, Australia, for a month to take summer classes at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA), so this was a wonderful time to refresh myself & work with other like-minded p...Read more
This is a short film I did a while back (beginning of 2010), and it’s something I wanted to share with all of you. It has a message at the end of the film, something which is very pertinent in today’s world.Video: just wanted to say that the helpline number is relevant only to Singapore, but if you, or anyone you know, are going through depression, please think twice. By living on, you have a chance to cha...Read more
Coming back to blog after a long hiatus, with a heavy heart, wondering if I’ll ever get whatever I dream for in my life. As everyday goes by, somehow, instead of feeling closer to my dream, I feel like I’m getting further & further away. Oh, don't get me wrong - I've been completing 2 short films, a few events, and involved in a bit of TV, as well as completing a few auditions. I haven't been twiddling my thumbs.
It’s very difficult for me to admit this. Because I’ve always tried to be an inspiration – the encouragi...Read more
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