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Li-Tong Hsu
Actor , MC / Show Host , Singer
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One more night...

I went on a last minute shopping spree to get stuff for my trip!

Some caps, flip flops, tops and shorts...Most of the clothing for the shoot is gonna be sponsored by a local sportsbrand, so I don't need to bring that much! That way I can bring some more souvenirs back for my friends! Somebody suggested to get some Bali sea salt! Sounds nice...

Have started packing... I'm not really into the packing a few days in advance kind a thing... There's always stuff I need till right before I leave. Cosmetics etc. Haha! I prefer writing most of the stuff I need to bring down and pack the day before I leave! If it's a big trip, then I start to pack two days in advance.

Got two parties to go to tonight. Probably won't get much sleep as I need to wake up at 5am. I'll try to sleep on the plane!

Keep you guys posted!



over 17 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
Enjoy Bali, and don't you know NY is one of the best places for shopping? Have a great trip!
over 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i expect all your photos to be as good as these. :-P
over 17 years ago


Nicola in Kinky Boots MIMI in RENT Aquino's mother in HERE LIES LOVE KIM in MISS SAIGON www.twitter.com/litonghsu http://www.weibo.com/litonghsu http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2230907404

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Shanghai, China & Amsterdam, Holland
Member Since
May 14, 2007