This year was the 5th year that we did Musical Moments. And every year we have only a week or so to prepare for the big night. It's always a nice time of year because it gathers all of the cast together again. And, I think that is the best part of doing the show. Ok ok....that...and it's for a good cause...we do raise money for Lifeline Express so that they can fund money for those who need catarac surgery...This year we had two adds to the show. Tomos Griffiths and Loren Greeting! They are both fabulous singers and added a new element to the show. It was really fun getting to know them and working with such talented singers. And, of course, to have my dear friend Joanna Ampil come back to HK to join us was also a highlight!
This year, there wasn't as much rehearsal or time to prepare for the show...but, somehow God made the impossible...possible. It was definite magic! Everyone became prepared overnight...after our "not so good" rehearsal the night before...everyone really stepped it up and worked as a make the show the best that it could be!!! It was very fun this year and very memorable. I'm looking forward to next years show!!!
" Musical Moments"已經是第五個年頭了,每一年為了這一天, 我們都只有一個星期去準備, 但是對我們來說卻是最讓人開心的時光, 因為是我們來自四面八方的歌手相聚一起的日子, 當然也因為我們有一個共同的目標...我們為“健康列車”籌款, 幫助那些白內障的病人重見光明... 我們今年來了兩個新成員 Tomos Griffiths 和 Loren Greeting! 他們倆都是非常了不起的歌手,讓我們的節目更豐富了, 能夠和他們合作是我的榮幸,當然我們的好朋友Joanna Ampil能夠趕回香港和我們同台演出, 更讓整個節目進入最高潮!
今年雖然我們沒有很多時間去準備,去排練...但是上帝助我們, 讓我們把不可能的事,變成可能了...這簡直是一個奇蹟, 我們每一個人一夜間好像是變了一個人似的... 前個晚上彩排時只不過是“還可以”而已,...但是到真上場了, 完全不一樣了,我們成了一個整體 ,表現得盡善盡美的,讓我們的演出出奇的成功!!! 這真是非常興奮,值得懷念的一次演出,我期待著明年“ Musical Moment”的到來!!!
Tomos Griffiths rehearsing "Phantom of the Opera" What an incredible voice!!!
Joanna and Loren Greeting singing their funny duet.
Joanna, me and Li Tong on the junk trip to Lama Island...time for seafood!!! yum!
All the girls in the dressing room before showtime! Chloe, Joanna, Jessica, Li Tong, and Me!
After the show...Mommies with their daughters!!
The great Howard McCrary and me at the after party!
My vocal teacher, my dear friend, and producer, David Quah!!!