OK..so, here is the update on what is going on in my world today. Friday night I ended up going to JZ Club and a whole bunch of the cast were already there. It ended up being a really fun night because I got to hang out with the cast and start to bond outside of the show. My friend Sean (from HK) came for a visit as well...so, that just topped off my Friday night.
I didn't start rehearsing till Monday morning. Christine has been helping me with rehearsals..and she is just fabulous! Such a nice, talented, and beautiful girl. And for some reason...whenever I find someone nice like her, I'll think of Harry (my little bro)...but, too bad...she's taken! haha...The rehearsals have been going very well. I've already finished learning the first number, which is the hardest number in the show....and all I have to do is keep practicing and hopefully..it will be up to tempo before the 5th....my legs are a bit sore and I sweat like crazy..but, it's been a great workout..and for the first time, I'm starting to enjoy tapping! My feet have blisters...but..there is something about having blisters that makes me satisfied....I feel like I've been really working at it! If that makes any sense.... It's like...playing the guitar and finding that your fingers tips are growing callouses. Anyways...I know I'm working hard and I know I'm improving....so..it's all worth it in the end....好,現在讓我告訴你我最新的動態… prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" / 星期五晚上當我到了JZ Club,發現幾乎所有[42街]的所有成員都已經在那裡,我們在這裡渡過了一個非常愉快的夜晚,當然能夠和[42街]成員在戲外一起玩,而且正好我香港的一個朋友Sean來上海,反正這都是讓我星期五的夜晚添上色彩… 我休息了好幾天,一直到星期一的早上才開始排練,是[42街]舞蹈助教Christine幫我練習踢躂舞的,她是一個很捧,很有天賦,很漂亮的女孩子。每當我見到一個好女孩,我常會有私心,希望她會和我的弟弟Harry做朋友,當然我是多餘的,她早就已經有男朋友了,哈哈哈…那天我們練得還很不錯,我把開場那段踢躂舞全學會了, 當然我須要加緊不斷的練習,希望在下個月五日,上海首演時我可以趕得上節奏…不過我的腳很酸,而且還留了很多汗,這應該是最佳運動,很難想像我居然開始越來越喜歡踢躂舞了,我還特別興奮我的腳開始生繭了,好像證明了什麼,就像是那些結他手,為他們練得生繭的手指而自豪,我也為自已勤奮練習,不斷進步而自豪吧,所以對我來說,這一切都是值得的… 哦,還有我們所有的人在星期一都去一個八十年代的一個酒巴,這裡有些照片跟你分享…
Oh, and we also all went out to an 80's bar on Monday night...here are some photos...
This is the group of us at the hotel right before leaving for the bar
From left to right. Kristen (the lead who plays Peggy), Me, Rob (ensemble), Karen (plays Dorothy), and in the back is Paul (plays Julian)
These are some of the other dancers and me. Top Left is Lanae, me and then Lauren. Then the left bottom is Lani and next to her is Tracie.
This is Felix. He is a rockin dancer!!! And I call him my brother because he looks like Harry when he's on stage! He's such a cutie!
This is Christine, the dance captain, who has been really helping me with the numbers. She is such a sweet girl!