Yesterday I had to do a charity catwalk for Columbia. The money raised for the event will go to the earthquake victims in China. To tell you the truth, ever since I was a little girl, I'd avoid watching news because it really depressed me. I'd actually have nightmares when I'd hear about murders going on and natural disasters. I remember the 7.8 earthquake I experienced in LA. It was the first one that I experienced...and the scariest part to me was the sound it made. My poor sister had to hold my hand at night because it was the only way I'd fall asleep. Anyways....I'll be doing another charity function in Macau today. It's really good to see everyone get together these charity events to help out the victims. I know it's really nothing compared to the losses that they've experienced..but, if we can all help out in some way and put the heart into it....
告訴你一句老實話,我從小就不喜歡看新聞,因為那些新聞讓我心情 低落,甚至於讓我做惡夢。
當我聽到這次的自然災害,我想起加州那次7.8級的大地震 ,那是我一生人遇到的第一次地震,我不能忘記那恐怖巨大的聲音 ,從那天起我可憐的姊姊,每天晚上得拉著我的手睡 ,不然我就無法入夢。
我今天又去了另一個慈善晚會在澳門,見到大家能一條心為了災區的 難民籌款,真是很另人感動,當然比起那些受到災難的損失 ,我們能做的太少了,只要是我們盡力了,也是我們的一點心意。