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HK FILM AWARDS and my new boyfriend

I posted up the photos from last night's HK Film awards.  It was fun getting ready with the family.  We were so rushed though....it was pretty funny watching my mom panic that we were running late.  I'm secretly happy that Kel (hairstylist) took his time.  Otherwise, we'd be there at exactly 6pm ..and I'd have to wear those heels for 1 more hr!  hahaha....with our timing last night, we were there long enough to walk the red carpet and once we got to the theatre the show started...PERFECT!  It was pretty fun presenting an award with mom and Eugenia.  I think it's the first time.  I kind of messed up my Cantonese..but, oh well!  It was a fun night mainly because my dress was so beautiful!!!  Thanks to Dior!  Thus, the many many photos of me in the dress...poor Harry...I made him take as many as possible.  hahaha....


http://news.sina.com 2008年04月12日 19:06 北京新浪網

  新浪娛樂訊自與 鄧健泓(聽歌)分手後, 原子鏸(blog)感情一直未有著落,不過,前晚(4月11日)她悉心打扮,穿上低胸小背心與一名運動型猛男撐台腳!

  前晚10時許,原子鏸獨自在香港的鏞記門外出現,並急步前往威靈頓街一幢大 廈,上樓不足5分鐘,一位黑實猛男便陪伴她離開。二人邊走邊談前往附近取錢 。打扮性感的原子鏸,身材玲瓏浮凸,沿途吸引不少目光 ,但她未有理會,取錢後與男伴返回大廈撐台腳。男友人不時逗原子鏸 說笑,但她反應不大,至11時許便由2名女友人陪伴下先行離開。(俐俐/文)

On another note, a good friend of mine forwarded this article to me....according to the newspapers, I have a new boyfriend....and OH WAIT!  It looks like.....Harry!  YUCK!  Why on earth would I be dating my brother!  How hilarious is that!  I wonder who my next boyfriends will be?  Maybe my cousin?  Or maybe my gay friend from NY? Let's wait and see.....

16 年多 前 0 赞s  20 评论s  0 shares
Photo 36943
THAT IS HILARIOUS!! :) I hope that you and your brother will be VERY happy! :) ha-ha There is something to be said about journalists checking their facts! :) ha-ha
16 年多 ago
hi Marsha. Wow! Peipei jie is your mum...pls pardon my ignorance. i had the opportunity to work with her in a local sitcom about 2 months back. she's really nice in-person. i'll bet you r too :)
16 年多 ago
Photo 23198
hahaha! I wish they took a pic of me w/ my hat, that would have made it even better.
16 年多 ago
Photo 23160
HAhaha!! That's pretty funny :D
16 年多 ago
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
Hahahahaha!!! Harry! I knew it!
16 年多 ago
Photo 67226
from personal experience, i gotta tell you that dating your cousin never ends well...
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007