Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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Opening Night

Last night, 9 of my friends from MY SHOW came to watch my performance of 42nd St.  It was so nice to see their faces.  It seems like so long since I was competing with them.  And they are all still competing!!!  I can't believe all that has happened since 2 weeks ago.  There was so much I wanted to say to them and so many things I wanted to share with them...but, there was no time because I had to get ready for the show....I just hope that I'll get a chance to see them again before or right after their final performance.....

There was an air of excitement in the dressing room, as all of us were preparing for the show.  I had already been ready 2 hrs before the show because of interviews.  I didn't want the interviews to make me rush in the end and get nervous.  so...here I was all ready for the show....warming up would probably be a good idea.....so....I took my time warming up and soon the 30min before showtime call was announced.  At that point, everyone was very hyper and ready to go.  They had been waiting for so long and finally this day had come!   I don't know which part was more exciting for everyone....the opening or the opening party afterwards at the ritz!  hahaha...

We did are ritual circle before the show...preparing ourselves mentally.  And suddenly, the band was playing the oveture.  There was a lot of running around hugging and saying "happy opening"!!!  The atmosphere was inspiring and everyone was ready to give it 100% (or more).  We got in our positions for the top of the number...and the curtains began to rise and show our tapping feet! 

Overall, the audience was wonderful!  And everyone was happy to hear their laughter and cheer.  Everyone's spirits were up and everyone did a great show!  It was the best opening I could have ever wished for! 昨天晚上,有九個從[我行我Show]裡的朋友來看[42街]的演出,我好高興見到他們,他們仍然在比賽中,似乎和他們比賽像是很久以前的事了,真不敢相信兩個星期前我也是其中一份子… prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /我有好多好多話想跟他們說,無奈我已經要趕上場了,希望在他們總決賽之前,或者是總決賽時,我再能見到他們….  我們在那兒很緊張地準備演出的時候,東方衛視在那兒實況轉播,因為顧他們的拍攝,我二個小時前就把準備工作都做好了,因為我不希望匆匆忙忙地會讓自已緊張,表演前放鬆自已最好的辦法就是做熱身,我在表演前三十分鐘已經很悠游地準備妥當…  我和大家一樣,這一刻已經盼了很久,我不知道到底是首演,還是首演後在ritz的宴會更讓人吸引….  開場前我們拉手圍成一個圈,一起祈禱,希望演出順利,這時樂隊已經奏出前奏,我聽到四面傳來的“恭喜”“加油”的祝福聲,每一個人這時都已經百分之百,或更多的投入,我們站回到自已出場的位置,幕拉了起來,觀眾先看到了我們在跳踢躂舞的腳…  那天的觀眾特別捧,台上每一個人享受台下觀眾的每個反影,每一聲掌聲,我們跳得更興奮,演得更投入了,這可以說是我最期待的,最出色首演…


over 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
cool! congrats. i am glad it went well! how do they handle the language barrier? do they put subtitles above the stage like they do w/ opera nowadays?
over 17 years ago
Photo 23198
Right on marsh! Right on. We are all proud of you :) H
over 17 years ago
Photo 23478
congratulations!!! so cool! i wish i could've been there! i hope you continue to love that nervous energy and excitement before every show...that's what i loved when i used to do shows...have fun sweetie!!! xoxoxo
over 17 years ago


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April 19, 2007