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Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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Time to fly! Bye HK!!

about 9 years ago 48 likes  0 comment  1 share

I remember being a little scared of my grandmother as a little kid. But, as I grew up, I began to appreciate the charm of this tough cookie. Nothing more admirable than a tough, strong lady like my grandma. I will miss her dearly! Love you Nai Nai! I hope you are at peace now with Ye Ye!

about 9 years ago 26 likes  0 comment  0 shares

One of my favorite #coffee places in @hongkong lately has been #noc (#notonlycoffee ) I just love coming here and having a cup on Sunday afternoon just before teaching my classes. #afternooncoffee #coffeebreak #coffeeroaster #flatwhite #instafab #instagood #instagram #instalike #instadrink #instacoffee #sunday #happy #content #thankful #grateful

about 9 years ago 11 likes  0 comment  0 shares

My new toy has arrived! I can't wait to use it in S Africa! Thanks #gopro #AliveNotDead and Martin Ku!

life #lifestyle #camera #photo #photographer #goingpro #picturehappy #photohappy #pictureperfect #cameraslut #cameras

Martin Ku

about 9 years ago 20 likes  0 comment  0 shares

And I thought that my handstand was really improving till I saw this.

Rachel SolomonsStuart MillisCora LeeEddie VillanuevaRinat PerlmanLisa MakO-Pattamaporn SomchitNoy MingkalabaDana LaiLisa SuhMorgan JaneVesta Ko Ko LaiLolo NoyJane PauFé ValvekensNicky HadjithomaJenny Laing

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about 9 years ago 26 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Come join my class today at IFC, Pure Fitness for Jazz Funk at 11am!

about 9 years ago 72 likes  0 comment  1 share

Last night I had to cover a chair dance class at #aerialartsacademy here's the routine I taught and choreographed just before class! Thanks Yi Ting Liong for taking this video for me!!! The music is "Same Old Love" by Selena Gomez

dance #choreo #choreography #dancechoreography #chairdance #sexy #sexychair #marshayuan

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about 9 years ago 45 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Made my #breakfast before meeting for #breakie with my girls! Hahaha

glutenfree #toast with #smashedavacado #friedeggs and #pork floss!

homemade #homecooking #eggs #mealoftheday #bestmealoftheday #breakfasttime #morning #food #foodie #foodies #foodpic #foodgasm #foodporn #healthyfood #healthy #avacado #avacadotoast #favoritemeal #marshayuan #cook #cooking #cheftalk

about 9 years ago 19 likes  0 comment  0 shares

This dog is much cuter! Pemiga Oliveiro Eddie VillanuevaRoss Kwan

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about 9 years ago 1 like  0 comment  0 shares

I miss taking photos with my dear friend Ania. Isn't it funny that this is how we met several years ago and later on I became one of your pole instructors! How time flies! Miss you!

about 9 years ago 26 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
April 19, 2007