Ifat Kafry
Art Director , Model
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MissyK*s Photo Journal Update

So for a while I have been taking photos and havent had time to post them up, so this is one long Photos Journal on my last  couple of weeks in me world. . .

Introducing the MissyK* ShowcaseAs you know from my last blog the event went off with a bang and was great success! Special thanks to Gold Mountain, Ink and DJ Sky Tao! For whom the event wouldn't have been what it was!

Robert Vicencio 's best friend came from Shanghai and Gold Mountain

Li-Tong wearing womens Miskeen and Robert Vicencio wearing Miskeen Originals

INK ,fellow Heirophat and Leslie from HKGFM.net (my official Media Sponsor!)

The Asian Elvis sensation (Mr Justin Lim whom I'm a serious  fan of!) and Scottie Hui ma bro who were both amazing for taking time in their busy schedules to come and show support!

The founder (Jason Entner) of one of my main sponsors Fi-Hi Original Soundtrack who also featured in the Star Lounge. Terence Yin was also amazing for coming and showing support!

Cordelia Choyin ladies Miskeen showing her support!

INKand Sky Tao pictured with the founder of Fi-Hi Original Soundtrack and their own Fi-Hi's!

E.V.E.N.T an International Artist Co. presents Womanversusman.tv DJ standoffThe night featured some amazing talents, from world class DJ's to world renowned belly dancer Karolina from Mexico - also not to mention the urrmmm never mind you had to be there to see the other male talent . . . each to their own I guess! None the less I had a great fun-filled night! thanks guys for making me part of your night :)

DJ SUGA number one South African female DJ flew in especially for the event alongside DJ REFLEX co-founder of E.V.E.N.T's

You could send in cool text messages and see them posted real time on the screen and on the website

The gorgeous and talented Kate Sullivan sporting Miskeen Ladies!

My bro and famed rapper, music producer and beatboxer MCG from the famous 4PM

More supporters for the event that night!

Kate Sullivan gettin down to it on the dance floor!

My fiances Surprise Birthday BBQ Party I organized a surprise party for the man in my life, it was absolute fun! I come from a family of famous chefs and havent had the time to do a proper cook up! This was no exception, I made his favorite Steaks (marinated in a family secret sauce) and Chicken (again secret marinade) Cakes, Breads, Salads and more . . . I brought him this game since we love to play charades and games like that this one was called HEAD BANDZ lol it was hillarious, you had to put a head band with a card on it (which you weren't able to see) which said what you were and then in turn you had to ask around person by person 'am i a person?' 'am i a man?' etc. I was a Cheese Cake! lol it was almost impossible to get. My man was Cleopatra, there was a Mt. Everest too and a Potato Wedge! lol so much fun here are some pics.

I led him up to our friends rooftop in Happy Valley telling him there was an urgency that we needed his strong skills for . . . as we walked up and I ducked round the corner all our mates got him wet with the water guns! talk about Surprise factor!

The crew with our head bandz on our heads!

My man is in the white shirt, and the others are our long time buddies including Brian Burrell whos been a bro for a couple years now.

Michael WongsConcert After Party @ Blue Bar Produced by Robert Vicencio  it was an amazing performance featuring Marsha Yuan, Li-Tong, Howard McCrary and as well as Michaels brother from Los Angeles. Some of us headed to the after party which featured the longest ever blues song a good 50mins it lasted with appearances by some of Japan's top talents!

Michael and his brother

Myself and Terence had good seats  stage front

The talented Yuki from Japan

Michael Wong and ma pops Howard McCrary

Howard and Li-Tong

I had the pleasure of meeting Uncle Ray, he invited myself and my fiance to his beautiful home! Cant wait to visit!

Stephen Wangand Duc Luu what a beautiful site, they had recieved roses and fell in love it seems. (Not with eachother! hehe honestly, I think I gave them some roses and I think other ladies there gave them some too)

. . .  Tiz all for now will update the rest over the next few days

Hope ya'll enjoyed the photo journal!

MissyK* x

over 16 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares
Photo 39462
thanks :) i enjoy supporting and am blessed being part of such a special band of people!
over 16 years ago
NICE PIC !!! i wish i could be there ...with u guys !!! ADI
over 16 years ago
Photo 39462
For sure we all had fun and special moments, but one thing is for sure all of these good times happens because of hard work and passion brought together - tiz why i feel blessed being part of it all! :)
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha, you know you can split these into multiple blogs... ;-)
over 16 years ago
Photo 39462
thing is i havent quite worked that one out yet hehe x
over 16 years ago
Photo 33405
i love this tank top. kate's top is really cool too! sorry i missed your party, looked like a lot of fun! i'm sure i'll see u soon~
over 16 years ago
Li tong 2014 2 photo by fion cao
So happy I was able to make it, I had a great time hon! xox
over 16 years ago
Photo 23329
i missed 2 parts one my sisters missy k showcase ... whcih i felt really heart broken about ,the 2nd was michael wongs big band with li tong , yuki , and even the after our with howard ...... but i guess its all good , so im gonna catch up to my partyin in one shot on sunday night .... yay ! by the way lovley pics
over 16 years ago
Photo 63849
justin! aha asian elvis - yep - he does the whole elvis thing ridiculously well its crazyyy
over 16 years ago
Hi Sweetie, So sorry dear I cant be there for you =( I'm out of town .... Catch up with you when i return =) Stay happy !!!! love love, Rozy
over 16 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
I love this picture...
over 16 years ago
Photo 42713
woo, amazing! your pictures took in the party are really cool! it's great to see you there~
over 16 years ago


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