Ifat Kafry
Art Director , Model
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Whats Going On? . . .

As you know by now, I've been on a journey the last couple of months of self discovery and personal contentment. It caused me to walk through some real dark and lonely times where no one would have the time of day to help (maybe because it was hard to believe that for years I've hidden my depression) either way the journey was hard and I thought I'd never get out of it.The dark dark place is now gone and I'm still learning a lot about what makes me happy and what makes me tic. I've been working in PR and the Entertainment industry for more than 13 years now and it is real easy to loose yourself and forget who you really are. . . It was for me at least. . .Thus, I've decided I'm finally ready to update slightly through photos of my journey. . .Enjoy! JULY 2008This month was filled with lots of hurdles, this was my second month of no partying, smoking and heavy drinking. Rather LOTS of exercise, healthy HEALTHY eating and much mediation to ensure the mind, body and spirit group into one.  Although below you'll see some ummm cakes and what nots . . . it was all in healthy manner!!SHABBAT at MissyK*'s House As you should know by now, I LOVE TO COOK and people LOVE TO EAT MY FOOD! So this Shabbat I cooked up a feast! Part of my journey starts here with my religion. Its a whole part of who I am. Where I come from and why I exist . . . Please visit this blog of mine before you read any further:  MY HISTORY

so now that you know a bit about my History . . . I invited my dearest and nearest to come along and celebrate SHABBAT a very important day each Friday, also considered as a HOLY DAY in the Jewish Religion. It was VERY IMPORTANT to have my closest buddies around me . . .

Scottie and Ida turned up which was lovely to show them what Shabbat is all about

Here you can see all our family and friends, next to me is my sister with brown hair

Scottie and Carl were amazing and showed so much respect by wearing a Kipa (Yamika) Its a Rabbinical tradition, not a commandment. The reason is this:

We wear a Kipa/Yarmukel out of reverence for G-d who is above us.

The Kipa is a sign of submition under His authority, and it makes the following statement: "From my toes to my head is all I am. G-d is above me in all respects, forever."

Golden Mountain my bro and I guess his brother in law type (my man Ste) being too silly!!

My sisters boyfriend made delicious chocolate balls, the dogs including GMTN's dog at the far right were dying to eat them . . . But I dont feed dogs chocolate!!

The night ended in a game of Charades and who better to participate but Brian Burrell my bro!!

To learn more on The Nature of Shabbat visit Viritual Library


ALONE TIMEMe and me doggems, doggie doos . . . How I adore them!!! They are really my first children in life! So here are some shots with my time spent alone reflecting and meditating with them

Me and Nanuk my Husky Girl

On our back garden at home where I meditate

Here is the silly Pooch, our number two girl and the eldest one, what a character!!

EXTENDED FAMILY TIMEI love spending time with my Golden brother Gold Mountain, as well as with my G-d Father Howard! They are both very supportive and influential in my journey to self contentment :)

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS IN 852How lovely of a time it was, from three different parties. My man, my better half, organised two events. One was at the beach in a South African BBQ restaurant on Lantau Island. The other was at BBQ Korean Restaurant. YUMMY!!! I had so many lovely good friends show up to both!!! The third party was at Pi where a lot of fans from Alivenotdead turned up and was great to meet them for the first time.

Here with Barbara Wong, was lovely to have her there to celebrate with me :)

My special birthday cake featuring all my dogs :) yes I have FOUR DOGS

Me and Pooch loving the look of my cake YUMMY!!!

I got excited and happy that my man made such a beautiful day happen that I grabbed some extra icing, see  i was healthy not to eat the sugar but instead found better use for it, on his face! lol - good practice for our wedding cake which I will most defintiely do!!

Gladly he forgave me and went in for the messy kiss!

The lovely Ida and ma bro Scottie at my Korean BBQ dinner


With my G-d father Howard and his new wife Ivy as well as my my bro Phil

My bro Brian with Ivy and Howard again :)

This was the month of JULY I still have the others to update on and I will!!!

So, it was an emotional birthday but I worked through some real tough times and came out on top. . . August was a beautiful journey . . . in a couple of days I'll post that one up.

Hope it was a good read . . . and August will be with where my life has been moving towards . . . what career changes are being made and so on.

Big hugs and love MissyK* xox

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
01 04 andrew
good to know that the darkness has gone away. keep it up.
over 16 years ago
Photo 37043
hey Miss K, it has been awhile. i'm glad that things are picking up for you. hang in there sister. i'll be rooting for you. sincerely, JaeHo
over 16 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You have good family and friends to stand by you on this trip you are taking.
over 16 years ago
Wow! one of the most creative cake i've seen !
over 16 years ago


Am reading 'The Answer' pick it up, its a great book!

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