Pat Lee
导演, 画家
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AliveNotDead/HKSPC Auction/BATMAN|AliveNotDead/HKSPC拍賣/蝙蝠俠|AliveNotDead/HKSPC拍卖/蝙蝠侠

AnD folks,

Yesterday was an incredibly long day - first of all I want to say Happy Birthday to Stephen - Happy birthday man. So yesterday we went to visit the AnD guys and had a mini celebration with Stephen. Don't forget to stop by his page and wish him a Happy Birthday! Here are some pictures from my visit:

OoooH Nice cake huh?

Go Stephen GO Stephen - Cut that CAKE!!!

NO DON'T KILL IT -- We need to eat it dude!!

Hey -- who is this Ninja appearing out of nowhere -- perhaps StormShadow @_@

Yeaaah! Got a new AnD hat. ;)

After visiting the AnD Crew -- I had to get ready for the HKSPC Event where I painted a BATMAN piece. Here are some pictures of the Auction:

Here is a picture of Lloyd and Chris - and a shot of the pencils for what I'm about to paint.

Here are my tools: Thick Marker, Acrylic Paint and a few selection of different styles of brushes. I didn't use any scrapers for this one -- but brought it just in case.

Yup - those are my paint palettes. :D

I started painting som of the more finer details. OOPS!! Sorry , don't have that many pictures of me actually illustrating it! -- Here is the final!

It was great to raise over $60,000HK for this wonderful event which supports children from underprivelaged families, low in-come families. Thank you all for your wonderful support. I will have more pictures of the event in the very near future. Special thanks to Angelina who set this incredible auction and hope that some of you out there can attend next year's event!  Also like to make a special thanks to Warner Brothers for acting so quickly in getting approval to make this happen. So - I had an incredible Friday and SO much more to come!!

Peace All!


                                            |                       AnD 朋友們,

昨天是令人難以置信的漫長的一天- 首先,我想說生日快樂 Stephen。昨天我們去探望AnD的朋友還有和 Stephen 舉行一個小型慶祝活動。不要忘記遊覽他的網頁,並祝他生日快樂!這裡有一些我訪問AnD的照片:

啊! 很棒的蛋糕吧?

Go Stephen Go Stephen - 切下那蛋糕!!!

不要弄壞它 -- 我們還要吃的!!

嘿 -- 這個不知道從那裏來的忍者是誰? -- 可能是嵐影富三郎 @_@

耶! 得到一頂新的AnD帽子 ;)

探訪完AnD朋友們之後- 我要做好HKSPC活動的準備,這次我畫了一幅蝙蝠俠,拍賣時的一些照片:

這是Lloyd和Chris - 還有一幅我打算上色的鉛筆畫稿。

這裏是我的工具:粗的麥克筆,丙烯酸塗料和幾個不同風格的畫筆。我沒有使用任何刮削器 - 為了以防萬一還是帶了它。

Yup - 這些就是我的調色板 :D

我一開始就塗比較細節的位置. 吖喲!! 不好意思, 沒有那麽多我在畫畫的照片! -- 這是完成的畫作!

這個美好的活動籌得了超過$60000的港幣來支持一些特殊家庭和低收入家庭的兒童。謝謝大家的支持。我將發布這個活動的更多照片。特別感謝Angelina擧辦了一個這麼有意義的拍賣, 希望你們能參加明年的活動! 還要特別感謝華納兄弟公司如此迅速地批準這慈善拍賣。所以-我有一個令人難以置信的星期五, 即將發布更多內容!



                    |                       AnD 朋友们,

昨天是令人难以置信的漫长的一天- 首先,我想说生日快乐 Stephen. 昨天我们去探望AnD的朋友还有和 Stephen 举行一个小型庆祝活动. 不要忘记游览他的网页,并祝他生日快乐!这裡有一些我访问AnD的照片:

啊! 很棒的蛋糕吧?

Go Stephen Go Stephen - 切下那蛋糕!!!

不要弄坏它 -- 我们还要吃的!!

嘿 -- 这个不知道从那里来的忍者是谁? -- 可能是岚影富三郎 @_@

耶! 得到一顶新的AnD帽子 ;)

探访完AnD朋友们之后- 我要做好HKSPC活动的准备,这次我画了一幅蝙蝠侠,拍卖时的一些照片:

这是Lloyd和Chris - 还有一幅我打算上色的铅笔画稿。

这里是我的工具:粗的麦克笔,丙烯酸涂料和几个不同风格的画笔。我没有使用任何刮削器 - 为了以防万一还是带了它。

Yup - 这些就是我的调色板 :D

我一开始就涂比较细节的位置. 吖哟!! 不好意思, 没有那么多我在画画的照片! -- 这是完成的画作!

这个美好的活动筹得了超过$60000的港币来支持一些特殊家庭和低收入家庭的儿童。谢谢大家的支持。我将发布这个活动的更多照片。特别感谢Angelina擧办了一个这麽有意义的拍卖, 希望你们能参加明年的活动! 还要特别感谢华纳兄弟公司如此迅速地批准这慈善拍卖。所以-我有一个令人难以置信的星期五, 即将发布更多内容!



大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  40 评论s  0 shares
Photo 37580
Another tight pic of batman.
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 37580
Uh dunno if you meant to put it that way, but like how the cape looks like a dragon mouth at the bottom here
大约 16 年 ago
01 04 andrew
awesome!!,, How come you didn't tell me about the exhibition man? I would of been there.
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 214991
Wow! Great Stuff dude!
大约 16 年 ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Beautiful work.
大约 16 年 ago
Jayson 93 2
Congrats on your piece raising HKD$63,000!
大约 16 年 ago
大约 16 年 ago
WOw! Way To Go Boxy !
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 23833
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 34128
Great work, as always, Pat.
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 61114
That's so sick =)
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 61114
Kinda like Robocop-ish! =)
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 65978
flavor flavor flavouuuuuuuuur!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 319485
Hi! You have a Truly Amazing Talent!! Your work is Brilliant and such an Inspiration. Although my drawing skills peak at drawing stick people (haha) I'll be creating new music with your inspiration instead. Congratz on raising over $60K for charity. It is a Blessing to share our talents with the World for meaningful causes. Best ~Shariah~
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 33405
Very nice work Pat, as always! How long did it take you for this one?
大约 16 年 ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
大约 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 16, 2007