Official Artist
Philip Ng
Action Director , Actor , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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Ai can throw a PUNCH!!! | Ai會出拳!!!| Ai会出拳!!!| 「アイ はパンチができる!」

It was nice having Van in town cause this will be a sort of last hoorah for the three-little-musketeers (at least for a little while) as our schedules will have us working in different parts of the world for the next three to six months.  So since Van was in town, we had dinner then ran on down to the karaoke to enjoy a brief period of extreme fun-ness before having to bring ourselves back to a tight regime when work begins.

V was fretting that I’d embarrass him or something in front of someone he’s working with at the moment.

With the simple shout of, “OMG! You didn’t tell me your friend was KAGO AI!!!” I managed to embarrass Van for the rest of the night.

But Kago-san was nice enough to sign something for me…

…on top of that, she even taught me what must have been a (newly created) karate move (a gesture that utilized only two fingers)…

Since there was no room for me to jump kick anyone in the face, I decided on trying to impress  Kago-san by utilizing my singing skills…

…which brought forth a kikoken to burst forth from her fist to my face ( ouch! that’s the second time this week!).


Lesson of the day – Don’t judge a book by its cover, this girl knows how to throw a punch!


Anyways,  Ai-chan was nice enough to make a guest appearance (and punch me in the face) for this blog entry, so please stop by her site http://biscuitclub.fc.yahoo.co.jp/ (especially, those of you who can read Japanese) and throw some support her way! |






…結果是從她拳頭到我臉上的一個kikoken (痛啊!這周已經兩次了!)




很高兴吴建豪在香港,这可能是我们三个士兵近期的最后一次集合(至少一段时间内),因为我们接下来3-6个月将会在几个不同地方工作。既然吴建豪在城里,我们就一起吃了晚餐,然后跑去唱K,尽情享受紧张工作之前简短的欢娱时光。 V有些烦恼,因为我在某些他正合作的人面前让他难堪。 简单喊出”我的天!你没告诉我你的朋友是加护亚依!!!”我让Van在那夜剩下的时间内十分窘迫。 但是加护亚依人非常好,还是为我签了些什么… …甚至,还教我一个(最新创作的)空手道动作(只用两个手指作出一个手势)… 因为没有多余空间让我踢在某人脸上,我决定展示歌唱技巧给加护亚依留下好印象… …结果是从她拳头到我脸上的一个kikoken (痛啊!这周已经两次了!) 今日教训–别仅凭封面判断一本书,这女孩懂得拳法! 总之,加护亚依是本篇博客的好嘉宾(包括往我脸上挥拳),请访问她的网站http://biscuitclub.fc.yahoo.co.jp/(尤其是懂日语的你们)支持她! |

世界のいろんなところで働く僕らは この先、3~6ヶ月はまたみんなのスケジュールがなかなかあわないだろうから今回の飲み会は、この三馬鹿トリオにとってある意味最後の集まりになったので  ヴァンが香港にいてくれてよかった。 そこでヴァンが香港にいる時、またきつい体制の仕事に戻る前のつかの間のお楽しみの時間をすごすためにみんなで夕食をしてカラオケに行った。


Vは  今彼と一緒に仕事してるどなたかの目の前で この僕が彼になんか変なことするんじゃないかって心配してた。 

「ええええッ!お前の友達が 加護 愛だなんて、キイテナイヨ~!!!」って大声で叫んじゃったせいで その後の夜じゅう、ヴァネスに気まずい思いをさせてしまった。

でも  加護さんはとても親切で僕になんかサインしてくれた・・・

・・・そのうえ、 彼女はぼくに空手の型(新しくできた)らしいもの(たった2本の指を使う身振り)まで教えてくれたよ・・・・

誰かの顔面に蹴りこむ余地がなかったので僕は歌唱力で 加護さんにアピってみようと思った・・・・・


これで 今週、2回目だよ!)


本日の教訓 - 人は外見で判断するな!この娘はパンチの仕方を知ってるぞ!


とにかく、アイちゃんは今回のブログ更新での足あと数獲得(そして僕に顔面パンチする)としてふさわしい人でした。なので、彼女のサイト http://biscuitclub.fc.yahoo.co.jp/ を訪れて(特に日本語が読める人)応援してあげてね!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  69 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
not that gay looking...
over 16 years ago
in the face! Ha ha ha Phil just lost all his macho image that night boooo...........
over 16 years ago
Photo 55108
love the hands on cheeks .... wonderfully kawaii mr ng!
over 16 years ago
Img 6964
haha... did u invite ppl to punch u all the time??
over 16 years ago
uhhh... um... I'm in the picture too... but I am happy to hear that this picture made you salivate and vomit out an important organ nonetheless...
over 16 years ago
Phil! You sexy beast, You. There. Feel better? >=P
over 16 years ago
Now... you can't blame me for pukin' for lookin' at this picture. You just can't.
over 16 years ago
Phil you'll always be the sex symbol of my liver. I quiver when you smile. You send chills down my big toe when you fly through the air and kick people...IN DA FACE~!!!
over 16 years ago


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