Official Artist
Philip Ng
Action Director , Actor , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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All Around is Awesomeness... | 一切都很棒…|一切都很棒…|世界は「スゲェこと」で満ちている…

Whenever I travel abroad for work, I always release a sigh of homesickness stemming from my uncomfortableness of being away from my friends and family for an extended period of time.  I'm a creature of habit, and for someone in my business, I'm actually quite happy with regular-ass-familiarity.   As the fun with my homies in Hong Kong comes to a temporary end, I begin work again by traveling to Mumbai for some pre-production meetings and rehearsals.


A tinge of wistfulness courses over my skin as I finish my phone conversation and take my seat on the plane to begin shifting my focus towards the project ahead.  As my mind drifts through different sentiments, I turn my head and was relieved when I saw that God is everywhere.


A glimpse of heaven...


My home-base in India and my connection to the world...


On my return trip to Hong Kong, the pilot of my plane fell ill and the flight was delayed for another six hours (just about as long as it takes to fly to back to Hong Kong).  Instead of giving in to negativity, I was blessed by the making of new friends at airport to make my extra six hours in India that much more pleasant.


Having a couple beers during my extended stay at Mumbai's international airport with my new friends, Mr. Wadhwa and his lovely family...


Then through a mesh of transparent white appeared my home...


I've been pretty silent about the project that I'm currently working on at the moment, but since information regarding this film was released at Cannes last month, the production company was kind enough to let me release a few promotional images taken during my previous trip to Mumbai.  More on this project as it develops (I have a feeling that this project will mold into something special)...


Courtesy of " .  Photography by Joy Datta.


Last but not least, I like to give a shout-out to my pops... Happy Father's Day!

Thanks pops for teaching me how to take a punch... IN DA FACE!!!


P.S. Kagoloco posted a link to alivenotdead.com/philipng in a recent blog entry on her official site!  Thanks Kago-san!






在孟買國際機場額外停留時,我和新認識的朋友Mr. Wadhwa及他的可愛家屬喝了幾瓶啤酒…



"Hands of the Dragon",照片拍攝Joy Datta。








在孟买国际机场额外停留时,我和新认识的朋友Mr. Wadhwa及他的可爱家属喝了几瓶啤酒…



"Hands of the Dragon",照片拍摄Joy Datta。



另:加护亚依在她官网的最新博客中贴出了alivenotdead.com/philipng的链接,谢谢Kago!| 海外に仕事で出かけるときはいつも、長い間家族や友人と離れ離れになる居心地の悪さからくるホームシックで溜息をついてばかりだ。僕は習慣に縛られる人間だ。僕と仕事をする人に言っておこう。僕はいつものおバカな家族みたいな連中と一緒に居るのが実際本当に幸せなんだ。香港の悪友たちとの楽しい時間はかりそめの終わりを迎え、僕は再びプリプロダクションミーティングとリハーサルの為にムンバイへ飛んで仕事を始める。電話での会話を終え、意識を目の前のプロジェクトに向けて切り替える為に飛行機の座席に座ると、僕の皮膚の上を微かなもの悲しさが移ろう。様々な感情が心を過るその時、僕は頭を巡らせ…神は何処にでも存在する、ってことを知って救われたんだ。













”Hands of the Dragon”より無償提供。Joy Datta撮影。


大事な事を忘れてた。パパにシャウト・アウトを送りたい… 幸せな父の日を!

父さん、ありがとう …パンチを受ける方法を教えてくれて… 顔面に!

追記:Kagolocoが彼女の公式サイトの 最近のエントリでalivenotdead.com/philipngへのリンクをUPしてくれた!ありがとう、加護さん!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  68 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
nice picturess, and congrats on all your work.
over 16 years ago
Photo 39462
My grandfather who was a father to me essentially, always said that when the sun is rising or setting and you catch a gilmpse - god is smiling upon you! Great blog and as always a good read! :)
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice! child abuse!
over 16 years ago
God is...yes...he is....
over 16 years ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
awesome...you look like metal gear
over 16 years ago
Photo 33142
gotcha...^^ u r so mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn^^
over 16 years ago
always wonderful to be around things and people we're comfortable with. However, getting lost in a unfamiliar territory can be a unique experience too. great to have u back : )
over 16 years ago
Photo 31454
ur dad looks much tougher than u here lol i posted a wing chun krav maga fusion vid on my blog if u interested http://www.alivenotdead.com/d.y._sao/wing+chun+krav+maga+fusion-profile-182761.html#comments
over 16 years ago
Photo 23329
so is this a indian movie or a chinese movie with india in it ?
over 16 years ago
Photo 23329
your dad definatley looks younger
over 16 years ago
My Phil Bro, You look so CHARMING !!!!!!!!!!
over 16 years ago
Photo 22998
I only came to your blog entry to see some one smack you in the jaw. Mr. Wadhwa should have cracked you one.
over 16 years ago
Photo 41044
You are the definition of cool, philipng! hahah.
over 16 years ago
Photo 38644
over 16 years ago
Photo 23833
nice. IN UR FACE! ;p
over 16 years ago
OMG can't be more CHARMING ~!! You are making all the girls in the room to turn heads Philus !!!
over 16 years ago


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June 5, 2007
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