Official Artist
Philip Ng
Action Director , Actor , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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Pat Lee at Racks!!!!!!

My good friend and comicbook-artist-extraordinaire, Pat Lee, once again graced the surface of a wall with his perfectly placed marks and strokes of black and white goodness.  This time around, he gave one of the walls at Racks (our favorite pool-playing hang out) a momentous-Pat-Lee-cosmetic-treatment.


We were there (in full-uniform) to support! After posing for this picture, we were approached by some weird looking fellow sporting an eye-patch; I think he said his name was Fury or something.  He just showed up outta nowhere asking if we were interested in some program that he referred to as the “ Avengers Initiative”.


Like mother like son, both Andy and his mommy have great fashion-sensibilities![](http://www.alivenotdead.com/attachments/2008/06/31448_200806032312426.thumb.jpg) 

The man himself, working to make this wall at Racks another priceless collector's item!


Group photo with this evening's super-artist, Mr. Pat Lee!


I really don't see the reason why he'd say no every time...

I went to the Coach Launch Party a few days back with my GODSISTER ( Monica Lo) and ran into my good buddies, Raceand Rosanne (among many others).  I was there for a good while, and I'm 98% certain that I had a conversation with everybody I knew or recognized there.  However, the paparazzi (being excellent ninjas and great science-fiction-scrīpt-writers) published a picture of me speaking to

Race from a suspicious angle and went on to create a story from that.  Being such good friends with

Race, I thought we'd just laugh it off...


...but instead of laughing, she threw a Kikoken straight into my face... 

...then Andy jumped on the bandwagon and immediately followed Race's Kikoken to my face with a Shoryuken up my gullet... (good thing I had my Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Association t-shirt on, otherwise my head might have exploded)...


At least Rozy had the courtesy not to attack me that evening...  I wonder what she was thinking...


Lesson of the day - don't believe anything you read, unless you read it here on ALIVENOTDEAD.COM/PHILIPNG | 我的好朋友、出色的漫畫家 Pat Lee又一次華麗的用他無比完美的馬克筆和精美的黑白筆劃優雅地裝飾了一堵墻,他為Racks(我們最愛去的臺球館)其中一堵墻進行了一次隆重的-Pat-Lee-裝扮。

< /p>  我們悉數到場(全副武裝)支持! 拍完這張照片後,有個戴著眼罩的怪異家夥接近我們,說他叫 Fury還是什麽,他突然現身來問我們是否有興趣加入某個組織,叫什麽” 主動復仇者”。   有其母必有其子, Andy和他的媽媽都有很強的時尚敏感度![](http://www.alivenotdead.com/attachments/2008/06/31448_200806032312426.thumb.jpg)  藝術家 本人,開始把Racks這面墻壁變成另一件無價珍品!

  與今晚的超級藝術家 Mr. Pat Lee的集體合影!   我不知道他為什麽每次都說不… 回想幾天前,我和 義姐( 盧淑儀)參加了Coach Launch Party,碰到好朋友 RaceRosanne (還有許多朋友)。我呆了好一會兒,98%肯定跟每個認識的人聊了天。但是,狗仔隊(出色的忍者、厲害的科幻小說編劇)卻發表了一張從可疑角度拍攝我和 Race的照片,還以此創作了一個故事。作為 Race這麽好的朋友,我想我們對此會一笑置之…   …但她沒有笑,反而發了一個Kikoken打在我臉上…  …然後 Andy跳上樂隊花車,接著 Race擊中我臉部的Kikoken,給了我咽喉一記 昇龍拳…(好在我穿著”伍家國術會”T恤,不然腦袋可能已經開了花)…   至少 Rozy很禮貌,那晚沒有襲擊我…我懷疑她在想什麽…& lt; o:p> 今日教訓–不要相信你讀到的任何東西,除了從ALIVENOTDEAD.COM/PHILIPNG這裏讀到的。| 我的好朋友、出色的漫画家 Pat Lee又一次华丽的用他无比完美的马克笔和精美的黑白笔划优雅地装饰了一堵墙,他为Racks(我们最爱去的台球馆)其中一堵墙进行了一次隆重的-Pat-Lee-装扮。

< /p>  我们悉数到场(全副武装)支持! 拍完这张照片后,有个戴着眼罩的怪异家伙接近我们,说他叫 Fury还是什么,他突然现身来问我们是否有兴趣加入某个组织,叫什么” 主动复仇者”。   有其母必有其子, Andy和他的妈妈都有很强的时尚敏感度![](http://www.alivenotdead.com/attachments/2008/06/31448_200806032312426.thumb.jpg)  艺术家 本人,开始把Racks这面墙壁变成另一件无价珍品!

  与今晚的超级艺术家 Mr. Pat Lee的集体合影!   我不知道他为什么每次都说不… 回想几天前,我和 义姐( 卢淑仪)参加了Coach Launch Party,碰到好朋友 RaceRosanne (还有许多朋友)。我呆了好一会儿,98%肯定跟每个认识的人聊了天。但是,狗仔队(出色的忍者、厉害的科幻小说编剧)却发表了一张从可疑角度拍摄我和 Race的照片,还以此创作了一个故事。作为 Race这么好的朋友,我想我们对此会一笑置之…   …但她没有笑,反而发了一个Kikoken打在我脸上…  …然后 Andy跳上乐队花车,接着 Race击中我脸部的Kikoken,给了我咽喉一记 昇龙拳…(好在我穿着”伍家国术会”T恤,不然脑袋可能已经开了花)…   至少 Rozy很礼貌,那晚没有袭击我…我怀疑她在想什么…& lt; o:p> 今日教训–不要相信你读到的任何东西,除了从ALIVENOTDEAD.COM/PHILIPNG这里读到的。| 「 僕がたいした理由もなく繰り返し顔面パンチを受けてる間パット・リーは別の壁をプライスレスな芸術品に変えていく・・・」 僕の親友と非凡なコミック本芸術家の パット・リーは完璧に描き出される彼の白黒の美学を見事な筆致で壁の表面を再び見事に飾った。今回はRacks(僕たちのよく行くお気に入りのビリヤード バー)の壁を一大パット・リー化粧処理を施した。

 僕らは(全員制服で)応援しに行った。この写真のため ポーズを取った後アイパッチをした怪しい人物が近づいてきた:たしか名前をフューリーとか何とか 言ってたと思う。彼はどこからともなく現れて「 Avengers Initiative」という番組に興味があるかどうか聞いただけだった。

    この母にしてこの子あり。アンディとママはどちらもすごいファッションセンスがあります! 作業する男




  数日前、 ゴッドシスター(モニカ・ロー)とコーチの新作発表パーティに行ったら仲良しの レースローザンヌにばったり出会った(大勢いる中で)。楽しいひと時を過ごし、そこで僕が 知ってる人やまた僕を知ってる人の誰とでも会話したと98パーセント確信している。しかし、パパラッチ(優れたニンジャ で大SF作家である)は、疑わしい角度で、あのような、僕がレースと話してる写真を発表し、話しを作りあげた。レースはずっと良い友達でいるので、僕らは 笑い飛ばすだけだと思った・・・・

   ・・・でも笑う代わりに彼女は気功拳を僕の顔にまっすぐ伸ばしてきた・・・   それからアンディが優勢な側についてすぐさまレースの顔面への気功拳に続き僕のみぞおちに昇竜拳を・・・(我が伍家國術会Tシャツを着ていて良かった、さ もなければぼくの頭は爆発していたかもしれないよ)・・・



「いいのよフィル!頑張っ て!」


少なくともロ-ジーはそ の夜僕を攻撃しない礼儀をわきまえていた・・・彼女は動思ってたんだろうか・・・

今日の教訓- - 読んだ事全てを信じない様に。ここ、”ALIVENOTDEAD.COM/PHILIPNG”で読んだ事を除いて。

over 16 years ago 0 likes  55 comments  0 shares
yah man . you deserve more than a punch . ha ha ha. now you get a lick (not even a taste) of my super kung fu ! Now you know girls, that kung fu is so essential for ridding perverts ! ***rubbish! Phil and Andy are my best sisters ! ho ho ho
over 16 years ago
OH! In DA FACE! x 2! It hurts, don't it? >=P
over 16 years ago
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THUMBS UP PHIL BOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait Up !! Everyone listen up &quot; Phil is the ONE and ONLY kungfu master of our generation!! He is so very humble, trying so hard not to showoff his unbeatable skill. If you really want to see him in ACTION......he he he.....pay to watch him on the silver screen ne !!!!&quot; Way to GO Phil !!! xo Rozy
over 16 years ago
Photo 23632
ahahahaha. this is really very cool!! the first time i knew &quot;sing lung kuen&quot; had a wiki entry...
over 16 years ago
I know it's their job...but I still want to say to the paparazzi..."Fuck you, yo' camera, and yo' tasteless scriptwriting. Go eat shit and choke, you assheadholes." Man..I can go on and On.
over 16 years ago
Photo 23160
Race and Phil??? Haha! Don't you love them ninja reporters @_@. Yes yes... Megatron on wall... GOT IT! ;) Haha nice photoshoppin dude.
over 16 years ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
I think its time to write a movie script about the adventures of Phil Ng and his magic T shirts.
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
actually i think i saw you again in the headline newspaper on the MTR too...
over 16 years ago
Photo 23329
i'm lufffffiinn it , awesome effects on the pics ....
over 16 years ago
Photo 23271
unreal dude, unreal. that's pretty funny the way they 'write' stories nowadays
over 16 years ago
Photo 78945
Great photo brother !!
over 16 years ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
Andy said I have super vision and I don't need a &quot;ng&quot; shirt. Fuck I I still want one anyway. I want the one that you use to wear.....the O.G. one. Then Im gonna auction it off of on ebay and take the money to complete my iron man costume.
over 16 years ago
Johnny's a g'damn genius. I want an O.G. one now too. Make haste, mofo!
over 16 years ago
哈哈...that's funny !!! they always talks like that ... hope u dont mind man ... how are u doing btw ???
over 16 years ago
nice pic !!!
over 16 years ago
Photo 33405
looks like he got you good here... haha
over 16 years ago


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