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Race Wong
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A Simple Valentine's Day|簡單的情人節|简单的情人节

What don't they have??

A Bathing Ape Teriyaki Boyz Snow Dome !!

a-bathing-ape-teriyaki-boyz-snow-dome A Bathing Ape Teriyaki Boyz Snow DomeProbably one of the most creative yet random items so far in 2009, A Bathing Ape pushes out their interpretation of your good old snow dome. Implementing their own twist of course, the display piece features the Teriyaki Boyz decked out in their Shark Hoodies “making it rain” rather than snow.LOVE IT !!! LOVE SNOW DOMES since young, especially those with wind up music !!!Check this out !Look at that guy's expression...

Shepard Fairey Arrested In Boston

shepard-fairey-arrested Shepard Fairey Arrested In BostonBOSTON - A street artist famous for his red, white and blue “Hope” posters of President Obama has been arrested on warrants accusing him of tagging property with graffiti, police said Saturday.Shepard Fairey was arrested Friday night on his way to the Institute of Contemporary Art for a kickoff event for his first solo exhibition, called “Supply and Demand.”Two warrants were issued for Fairey on Jan. 24 after police determined he’d tagged property in two locations with graffiti based on the Andre the Giant street art campaign from his early career, Officer James Kenneally said. One of the locations was the railroad trestle by the landmark Boston University bridge over the Charles River, police said.Any opinions on this?**** ****Coldplay and Jay-Z had a live performance for LOST ,together for the Grammys.Couldn't attach the Grammy's video but I found this which has an even better vibe.Such an AMaZing songVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k-o5aWO9xoI'm very excited as i'm gonna start recording my second song tomorrow.A song which I wrote and lyrics by Rozy.  Valentine's Day's  around the corner...Any plans?If there's someone you like and never had the courage to say it, I guess this is the right time.Guys, you don't have to do much, even if you're poor,Valentine's day's not just for rich.it's the sincerity that counts.A stalk of rose is as sweet as a big bouquet .if the restaurants are all full..try cooking at home,thats romantic too !i was told that in Japan, feb 14 is for girls to give chocolate to the guys and on march 14th, it's the other way around ! how nice. kinda fair too ! A friend of mine brought me to dinner and for the entire meal, we ate justONE BIG FISHONE BIG FISH IT IS !! |


A Bathing Ape Teriyaki Boyz 雪景球!!

a-bathing-ape-teriyaki-boyz-snow-dome A Bathing Ape Teriyaki Boyz Snow Dome可能2009年為止最有創意但又隨性的產品,A Bathing Ape 將雪景球這玩意加上他們的創新意念重新演譯。穿上鯊魚裝的Teriyaki Boyz令這個雪景球“下雨”,而不是雪。很愛它!!! 從小就愛雪景球,尤其是有音樂的!!!看看這個!


Shepard Fairey 於波士頓被捕

shepard-fairey-arrested Shepard Fairey Arrested In Boston 波士頓 - 警方於週六透露,設計奧巴馬總統紅、白、藍三色“希望”海報而著名的街頭藝術家因被指控於公物上塗鴉被逮捕。

週五晚上,Shepard Fairey 於前往 Institute of Contemporary Art 出席其名為 "Supply and Demand" 首次個人展覽會的開幕活動時被逮捕。

James Kenneally警官稱,警方在確定他分別於兩個地點的公物上畫上一些源於其職業生涯中早期之Andre the Giant街頭藝術運動的塗鴉後,於1月24日發出兩個拘捕令,拘捕Fairey。其中一個地點是Charles River 的地標 Boston University Bridge 的鐵路棧橋。對此你們有何意見?**** ****Coldplay 和 Jay-Z 為 LOST 和格萊美獎作了現場表演。


很出色的歌曲Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k-o5aWO9xo我非常興奮,因明天便開始為第二首新歌錄音

是一首由我作曲、Rozy填詞的歌   情人節即將來臨...有計劃了嗎?









也很浪漫呢!我知道在日本,2月14日是女孩把朱古力送給男孩,3月14日輪到男孩做同樣的事情! 這才公平! 朋友帶我去吃飯, 一條大魚就是我們的整個晚餐真是一條很大的魚!! |

What don't they have??

A Bathing Ape Teriyaki Boyz Snow Dome !!

a-bathing-ape-teriyaki-boyz-snow-dome A Bathing Ape Teriyaki Boyz Snow Dome可能2009年为止最有创意但又随性的产品,A Bathing Ape 将雪景球这玩意加上他们的创新意念重新演绎。穿上鲨鱼装的Teriyaki Boyz令这个雪景球“下雨”,而不是雪。

很爱它!!! 从小就爱雪景球,尤其是有音乐的!!!看看这个 !


Shepard Fairey 于波士顿被捕

shepard-fairey-arrested Shepard Fairey Arrested In Boston 波士顿 - 警方于週六透露,设计奥巴马总统红、白、蓝三色“希望”海报而著名的街头艺术家因被指控于公物上涂鸦被逮捕。

週五晚上,Shepard Fairey 于前往 Institute of Contemporary Art 出席其名为 "Supply and Demand" 首次个人展览会的开幕活动时被逮捕。

James Kenneally警官称,警方在确定他分别于两个地点的公物上画上一些源于其职业生涯中早期之Andre the Giant街头艺术运动的涂鸦后,于1月24日发出两个拘捕令,拘捕Fairey。其中一个地点是Charles River 的地标 Boston University Bridge 的铁路栈桥。对此你们有何意见?**** ****Coldplay和Jay-Z为 LOST和格莱美奖作了现场表演。


很出色的歌曲Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k-o5aWO9xo我非常兴奋,因明天便开始为第二首新歌录音

是一首由我作曲、Rozy填词的歌  情人节即将来临...有计划了吗?









也很浪漫呢!我知道在日本,2月14日是女孩把朱古力送给男孩,3月14日轮到男孩做同样的事情! 这才公平! 朋友带我去吃饭, 一条大鱼就是我们的整个晚餐真是一条很大的鱼!!

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  24 comments  0 shares
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
yo Race....PLease tell Nigo to give me some free clothes...or just give me the free ones that you have. JK. Please tell the gang that I said hi!!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 96013
haha Race~you know about valentine in japan!!hehe usually on 14th March guy should give us better gift than chocolate~.yup very nice(kinda..not fair?) tomorrow starts recording~!!!good luck!!can't wait for a new song❤
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
almost 16 years ago
Photo 268266
I would have a hard time eating that. especially with the fish watching me.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Hope you have a good V-Day...I like Japan's style for it too..pretty simple and Guy's don't have to worry till March hehe.
almost 16 years ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
That fish looks good!
almost 16 years ago


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