Rozy and I are extremely honored to be the first HK artiste to be featured on the cover ofBape Paper! feels.........GREAT ! Thank you NIGO !You are definitely one the sweetest person in my life..See you in HK @ the 3rd Anniversary Bape Party next week ! | Rozy 和我都感到極之榮幸,能夠成為第一個
Bape Paper 封面的香港藝人!
感覺.........真是太棒了!謝謝 NIGO !
下週在香港的Bape 三週年派對見!| Rozy 和我都感到极之荣幸,能够成为第一个 登上 Bape Paper 封面的香港艺人!
感觉.........真是太棒了!谢谢 NIGO !
下周在香港的Bape 三周年派对见!