Official Artist
Race Wong
Actor , Singer
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CNY Resolution X Jun's demo X Steve Jobs|農歷年大計 X Jun's demo X Steve Jobs|农历年大计 X Jun's demo X Steve Jobs

So Happy today.Been working on a few demos with Jun He's such a super busy +super nice guyI've finally received my demos Both Jun Kung and Kevin Avon said this, " whatver you're hearing out there, Whatever!....it's all done on this!"  with that being said.............My New Year's Resolution is..........to get.....a...... 17" MACBOOK PROthen, i can make my own demos, write more songs. yeah ! Thats my goal for 2009 !and while the topic's on Mac, I'll like to share this video which Mark Allen posted in his blog. This is such an inspiring speech by Steve Jobs I would love to have as many people see this as I'm sure it is helpful to everybody."..i'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that i love what i did.You've got to find what you love. Your work is gonna fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do great work is to love is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking and don't settle as with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it and like any great relationships, it gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking, don't settle."Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc&feature=related**** ****last but not least, another great song for youI'm so addicted to itand I'M on my KNEES  looking for the ANSWERARE WE HUMAN OR ARE WE DANCERVideo: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=LOLJy5HoFDQ


barack-obama-spider-man-comic-book-release Barack Obama x The Amazing Spider-Man Comic Book Release

With the Obama fever soon to hit a pinnacle next week, the president to-be and his childhood love of Marvel Comics resulted in the release of a special edition of The Amazing Spider-Man for issue #583. The comics storyline features attempts by the Chameleon to ruin Obama’s inauguration day only for Spider-Man to come in and save the day (no surprises there right?). The comic book was officially released on Wednesday, January 14th and largely sold-out however a massive amount have made their way to  eBay.Source:  Freshness |




我終於收到了我的demo帶 恭碩良Kevin Avon都這樣說,“你聽到的所有聲音,所有!....都是在這東西做出來的!” 就憑這句話............. 我的新年大計是..........得到.....一部 .....17" MACBOOK PRO 這樣我可以自己做demo帶、寫更多的歌曲。yeah!這是我2009年的目標!說起Mac,我想和大家分享Mark Allen貼在他博客上的這段視頻。我希望更多人能看到 Steve Jobs 這一段鼓舞人心的講話,我敢肯定這對我們每一個人都有幫助。"..我相信唯一能使我繼續下去的就是愛我所做的事。

你需要找到你的所愛。工作佔據了你生活的很大部份,得到真正滿足的唯一途徑,就是去做一些自己認為是偉大的工作,做偉大的工作就要愛你所做的工作。如果你還沒有找到你愛的工作,請繼續尋找,找到後你自己也會知道。你和它的關係會像其他偉大的關係一樣隨年月增長而變得越來越好。因此,繼續尋找,不要停下來。"Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc&feature=related**** ****最後,送給你們另一首好歌



我們是人類還是舞者Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=LOLJy5HoFDQ


barack-obama-spider-man-comic-book-release Barack Obama x The Amazing Spider-Man Comic Book Release

隨著下週即將達到巔峰的奧巴馬熱,候任總統先生的童年至愛 MARVEL COMICS 趁這機會推出了"THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN"第 583 期的特別版 。故事講述蜘蛛俠如何把企圖於奧巴馬就職的一天搗亂的CHAMELEON收拾(這並沒有驚喜吧,對嗎?) 漫畫在剛過去的1月14日(週三)正式發售當天已大致售罄,而有相當數量已流到了 eBay。 來源: Freshness |




我终于收到了我的demo带 恭硕良Kevin Avon都这样说,“你听到的所有声音,所有!....都是在这东西做出来的!” 就凭这句话............. 我的新年大计是..........得到.....一部 .....17" MACBOOK PRO这样我可以自己做demo带、写更多的歌曲。yeah!这是我2009年的目标!说起Mac,我想和大家分享Mark Allen贴在他博客上的这段视频。我希望更多人能看到 Steve Jobs 这一段鼓舞人心的讲话,我敢肯定这对我们每一个人都有帮助。"..我相信唯一能使我继续下去的就是爱我所做的事。

你需要找到你的所爱。工作占据了你生活的很大部份,得到真正满足的唯一途径,就是去做一些自己认为是伟大的工作,做伟大的工作就要爱你所做的工作。如果你还没有找到你爱的工作,请继续寻找,找到后你自己也会知道。你和它的关系会像其他伟大的关系一样随年月增长而变得越来越好。因此,继续寻找,不要停下来。"Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc&feature=related**** ****最后,送给你们另一首好歌



我们是人类还是舞者Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=LOLJy5HoFDQ


barack-obama-spider-man-comic-book-release Barack Obama x The Amazing Spider-Man Comic Book Release

随着下周即将达到巅峰的奥巴马热,候任总统先生的童年至爱 MARVEL COMICS 趁这机会推出了"THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN"第 583 期的特别版 。故事讲述蜘蛛侠如何把企图于奥巴马就职的一天捣乱的CHAMELEON收拾(这并没有惊喜吧,对吗?) 漫画在刚过去的1月14日(週三)正式发售当天已大致售罄,而有相当数量已流到了 eBay。 来源: Freshness

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  21 comments  0 shares
Photo 96013
wo~looks really PRO^^yeah you should get one:Dwaiting for good songs. Steve Jobs words...thanks for sharing it!I think I've found one that I have to work harder on it~^^
almost 16 years ago
nice one ...
almost 16 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
"You've got to find what you love. Your work is gonna fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do great work is to love is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking and don't settle as with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it and like any great relationships, it gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking, don't settle." No offense to Steve Jobs, but sometimes it isn't that simple. Life doesn't always give us what we ask for. When it gives you something you think you don't want, and keeps giving it to you when you go after what you think you so truly want, then you have to figure out how to live with what life hands you. I know this goes against a lot of pop psychology (i.e. The Secret), but sometimes life does not grant us our heart's desire, now matter how single-mindedly we pursue it. Sometimes we must change ourselves to fit the reality that is our lives. Becoming your true self comes first. In a lot of ways, what we do to earn our living is secondary to who we are being. Most people do not have the luxury to do their most favorite thing for a living (millions of people around the world just wish for clean water, enough food to eat, decent medical care, freedom from war and aggression and a way to support themselves and their family). To imply that somehow they have compromised and have failed at life is a very elitist thing to say (and very few people belong to the elite even in the First World, to say nothing of the rest of the world). Perhaps it is just the tension between what we have and what we want, and how we deal with that internally and externally, and how we shape our lives to the extent available to us (and for some people this is very little) that is the measure of who we are as human-beings, and not whether or not our jobs are gratifying and emotionally satisfying according to the standards of the elite in the First World. I am not criticizing you, Race, because you have the opportunity to realize your dreams at this moment in your life. You live a privileged life and are taking full advantage of the opportunities that have presented themselves. But, sadly, there are many who are not so privileged. Maybe for the majority, it is not such a simple thing to take personal desire and have it manifest 100% in our lives. Life, the world and human existence is much more complicated than that and there is so much we have no control over. Every time I hear news reports out of Gaza, Iraq, Darfour, etc., and put myself in the place of those people, I see this is so.
almost 16 years ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
i would love to get one too!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 37580
haha me too...someday.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 319485
You can't go wrong with a Mac. I compose/produce all my music on my Mac. I LOVE IT!!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 89385
I got one but 15" hehe its lovely you should get i!! Ah you are working with Jun!! thats so cool! i love that guy! ^^ so many ppl on patricks birth you hardly saw each other haah hope to see you around! kiss kiss take care
almost 16 years ago
Photo 43244
new macbook pro: $2000 spidey.obama comic $4.95 picture of jun hugging you: priceless. holla!
almost 16 years ago


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