Dear All,This coming Sunday, the Hong Kong Film Awards is celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Film Industry. The red carpet is going to be 100 meters long !! I'm so excited about it. I did a tv interview with tv8 thanking everyone who has helped my sister and I during these few years working in Hong Kong. Cuz there're so many people who has come and gone, who has helped and left and we never had a good chance to thank them sometimes. So thank you very much to everyone who has given us your moral support. Video: |親愛的大家,
早前我跟 TVB8 做了個專訪,在訪問裡我感謝了在香港工作的這幾年中幫助過我姐姐和我的人。因有很多朋友也曾出現過,給我們幫助過後便離去,一直以來都沒有一個很好的機會讓我們好好感謝他們。因此,非常感謝每一個曾經給與我們精神上支持的人。 Video:|亲爱的大家,
早前我跟 TVB8 做了个专访,在访问裡我感谢了在香港工作的这几年中帮助过我姐姐和我的人。因有很多朋友也曾出现过,给我们帮助过后便离去,一直以来都没有一个很好的机会让我们好好感谢他们。因此,非常感谢每一个曾经给与我们精神上支持的人。 Video: