According to Hint Magazine, Japanese brand label Number (N)ine by Takahiro Miyaa will be coming to an end.“Today we received a letter (an actual letter, so you know it’s serious) from Number (N)ine. It started with this quote: “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” You guessed it: the Tokyo-based, Paris-showing men’s label launched 12 years ago by Takahiro Miyaa is closing. The fall ‘09 collection—portentously called A Closed Feeling—was the last. The letter went on to say “Over the last decade, Number (N)ine evolved, always forging ahead with a unique and potent vision, to emerge as one of the leading brands of Japan.” We agree with the sentiment. Number (N)ine will be (m)issed.”CORNER WHIRLPOOL BATH FROM JACUZZI02.16.2009ILOVETHIS !!!!!!!! I WISH I CAN HAVE ONE SOMEDAY......DesignTHed by Carlo Urbinati.THIS IS COOL..THE PEDESTRIAN PROJECT2009
The Pedestrian Project consists of several performers wearing entirely black custom-made costumes modeled after the generic images of men, women, and children seen on public signs. Mimicking the lives of everyday people, the roaming sculptural forms inspire the imaginations of onlookers.
Via: yankodesign By Daniel Loves Objects.Via: thedesignblogClick HERE for more pics and info...
The Singapore-based designer has endowed these with life, oops I meant light. The AT Your Command is (presumably) a concept lamp that installs a mannequin where the body of a lamp is usually found. The form of the lamp is made all the more appealing by removing the wires, and panache is added by gold plating the mannequin. With the joints of the mannequin made movable, At Your Command submits itself to the user’s imagination. Interesting and stylish, this one is just perfect to spice up decor. |
據 Hint Magazine 報導,由 Takahiro Miyaa 創立的日本品牌 Number (N)ine 即將成為歷史"今天,我們收到了 Number (N)ine 寄來的一封信(一封真實的信,由此可以知道這是認真的)。它始於本帖回复"當您完成換季後,您就完成了。"你猜對了,於12年前由Takahiro Miyaa 所創立,以東京為基地,在巴黎展示的男裝品牌即將隱退。似有預兆地被命名為 A Closed Feeling 的 '09秋季系列將會是最後一個系列。該信接著說:"在過去十年裏,Number (N)ine 憑藉著獨特和使人信服的想像力,不斷開拓和演變,成為日本的一個知名品牌。"大家將會很懷念 Number (N)ine。這是我們也十分同意的。”JACUZZI 的渦流式浴池02.16.2009我喜歡這個 !!!!!!!! 希望有一天我可以擁有一個......Carlos Urbinati 設計這個很酷..行人計劃2009
###HP 玻璃電腦
Via: yankodesign By Daniel Loves Objects.Via: thedesignblog點擊 這裏 看更多圖片和資料... 該名以新加坡作為基地的設計師將這些賦予生命,哎呀我的意思是光明。這個名為 AT Your Command(大概)是一盞以模特兒人偶作為燈座的概念燈。隱藏電線的設計和華麗的鍍金模特兒人偶令這燈更具吸引力。隨著模特兒人偶可動的關節,At Your Command 可讓用戶發揮其無窮的想像力。這盞有趣、時尚的燈會是件完美裝飾品。 |
据 Hint Magazine 报导,由 Takahiro Miyaa 创立的日本品牌 Number (N)ine 即将成为历史。"今天,我们收到了 Number (N)ine 寄来的一封信(一封真实的信,由此可以知道这是认真的)。它始于本帖回复"当您完成换季后,您就完成了。"你猜对了,于12年前由Takahiro Miyaa 所创立,以东京为基地,在巴黎展示的男装品牌即将隐退。似有预兆地被命名为 A Closed Feeling 的 '09秋季系列将会是最后一个系列。该信接着说:"在过去十年里,Number (N)ine 凭藉着独特和使人信服的想像力,不断开拓和演变,成为日本的一个知名品牌。"大家将会很怀念 Number (N)ine。这是我们也十分同意的。”JACUZZI 的涡流式浴池02.16.2009我喜欢这个 !!!!!!!! 希望有一天我可以拥有一个......Carlos Urbinati 设计这个很酷..行人计划2009
###HP 玻璃电脑
Via: yankodesign By Daniel Loves Objects.Via: thedesignblog点击 这里 看更多图片和资料...
该名以新加坡作为基地的设计师将这些赋予生命,哎呀我的意思是光明。这个名为 AT Your Command(大概)是一盏以模特儿人偶作为灯座的概念灯。隐藏电线的设计和华丽的镀金模特儿人偶令这灯更具吸引力。随着模特儿人偶可动的关节,At Your Command 可让用户发挥其无穷的想像力。这盏有趣、时尚的灯会是件完美装饰品。