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Stunning Horse & Omotesando's LV|令人驚嘆的馬匹與表參道的 LV|令人惊叹的马匹与表参道的 LV

Hey dear all, I know i've been MIA for a bit due to my recent busy working schedule. Gonna update a new blog with tons and tons of new pics. In the meantime, I saw this really beautiful 'thing' that i have to share with ya'll !STELLA MCCARTNEY'S LUCKY SPOT RETURNS TO BELSAY CASTLEVia: bloomaciousStella McCartney was inspired to create Lucky Spot as a response to the beauty of Belsay Castle with it's medieval architecture and mystical quarry garden. According to Belsay Castle officials, "she wanted to create something magical, romantic and visually stunning. She designed a jewelled curtain of thousands of Swarovski crystals that hung in the shape of a horse from the ceiling in the Castle's Great Hall." j honeyee Feature: Multicolor Spring Palette### honeyee multicolor louis vuitton takashi murakami 1 honeyee Feature: Multicolor Spring PaletteLouis Vuitton’s massive Harajuku store on Omotesando in Tokyo has recently been transformed to mark this season’s participation of famous Japanese pop-artist Takashi Murakami for his Multicolor Spring Palette collection. Effectively making his style of “superflat” a well-known household style of art, the installations throughout the building include many of his iconic works and characters over the years in a bright, multi-color and ultimately visually stimulating exhibit.

honeyee-multicolor-louis-vuitton-takashi-murakami-1honeyee-multicolor-louis-vuitton-takashi-murakami-1honeyee-multicolor-louis-vuitton-takashi-murakami-1honeyee-multicolor-louis-vuitton-takashi-murakami-1honeyee-multicolor-louis-vuitton-takashi-murakami-1 | 親愛的大家 最近,繁忙的工作日程令我失踪了一陣子。現正準備去更新一篇附有很多新照片的博客。與此同時,我想先和大家分享這美麗的'東西'!Stella McCartney 的作品 LUCKY SPOT 重回BELSAY城堡源自: bloomaciousStella McCartney 創造 Lucky Spot 的靈感源自 Belsay 城堡的中世紀建築和其神秘的採石場花園。據Belsay城堡官員表示, “她想創造些神奇,浪漫和令人驚嘆的作品。她城堡的人民大會堂內,設計了一個利用過千顆從天花板吊下的施華洛世奇水晶,拼湊成一個形狀如同馬匹的寶石帷幕。 honeyee專題:Multicolor Spring Palette 系列### honeyee multicolor louis vuitton takashi murakami 1 honeyee Feature: Multicolor Spring PaletteLouis Vuitton在東京原宿表參道的旗艦店最近已換上了日本著名流行藝術家 村上隆(Takashi Murakami)的 Multicolor Spring Palette 系列的新裝。整個店內滿佈許多他多年來的標誌性作品和人物,令他的“ superflat”風格在這繽紛亮麗,刺激觀感的展覽中成為一個眾所周知的家居式藝術品。

honeyee-multicolor-louis-vuitton-takashi-murakami-1honeyee-multicolor-louis-vuitton-takashi-murakami-1honeyee-multicolor-louis-vuitton-takashi-murakami-1honeyee-multicolor-louis-vuitton-takashi-murakami-1honeyee-multicolor-louis-vuitton-takashi-murakami-1 |亲爱的大家 最近,繁忙的工作日程令我失踪了一阵子。现正准备去更新一篇附有很多新照片的博客。与此同时,我想先和大家分享这美丽的'东西'!Stella McCartney 的作品 LUCKY SPOT 重回BELSAY城堡源自: bloomaciousStella McCartney 创造 Lucky Spot 的灵感源自 Belsay 城堡的中世纪建筑和其神秘的採石场花园。据Belsay城堡官员表示, “她想创造些神奇,浪漫和令人惊叹的作品。她城堡的人民大会堂内,设计了一个利用过千颗从天花板吊下的施华洛世奇水晶,拼凑成一个形状如同马匹的宝石帷幕。 honeyee专题:Multicolor Spring Palette 系列### honeyee multicolor louis vuitton takashi murakami 1 honeyee Feature: Multicolor Spring PaletteLouis Vuitton在东京原宿表参道的旗舰店最近已换上了日本着名流行艺术家 村上隆(Takashi Murakami)的 Multicolor Spring Palette 系列的新装。整个店内满佈许多他多年来的标志性作品和人物,令他的“ superflat”风格在这缤纷亮丽,刺激观感的展览中成为一个众所周知的家居式艺术品。


15 年多 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares
Now that is a horse to ride into the sunset!
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
its cool to see that art is always coming up with new ways to amaze.
15 年多 ago
Photo 71723
i wish i own all those murakami's paintings and installation....
15 年多 ago
Photo 96013
I have a few murakami's small goodies^^they make me smile~love them so much^^
15 年多 ago



Hong Kong
September 11, 2007