Red Dog
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Behind the scenes at the Dog........

I wanted to put this up to show 1. a little of the behind the scenes setup, 2. the great team i'm proud to work with,,,,and 3. to show you can have great fun on shoots and still produce amazing results.

Just recently i was talking with a few photographers about permits , payments...etc,,,etc.......and it made me realize, there are a lot of people in this industry that may have forgotten why they wanted to be in this industry,,,and now see it  as just a job, a way to pass the time, and make money........

When i was a kid i loved checking out my grandfathers cameras and dark room, he was an engineer for Boac, so photography was just a hobby, ,,,but he loved it...... I rediscovered photography when i was about 16,,,on a Greek Island called Corfu,,,,for weeks i went around shooting doorways and churches and people.....and was immediatelly addicted......now i remember thinking,,,,fuck if i could only get paid for this and make a living,,,be happy and impressed with my own shots, always trying my best to get the greatest shot i can ,,,then that would be a dream come true.........

So when i have payment issues or clients that are troublesome, or any down side to this business .......i just think fuck it! ....i'm gonna have fun with this shoot ,,try my best,, make it an enjoyable day or days depending how long your project is..........and always remember being 16,, thinking i love photography ,,every aspect of it.........how awesome would it be to get paid for this.............

So this piece is a thank-you to all the team at REDDOG, RED CACTUS, and CHINA STYLUS that  combined together creates the GALLERI Magazine Team........

To a long and prosperous fun loving life,,, in this crazy,fucked up at times,Industry,,,, that we are lucky to be a part of........

a special thanks to my loving beautiful partner ,,,,Melanie low..........and her bottomless well of patience.

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REDDOG, was set up by Timon Wehrli in 1995. Galleri magazine was set up by Timon and Jay from China stylus, in 2007......check it out,........


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
January 25, 2008