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Rob Lok
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Hi, I'm 5 years old and I FRICKIN' ROCK!

 I attended a performance of Theatre du Pif's "Hanako's Pillow" over in TST the other day.

It was held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and closed this past weekend.

I had about a half hour to walk around the place and came across this little exhibit of acrylic paintings.

Looking closer, I realized that they were all painted by 5-6 year olds! At least that's what I got out of the Chinese sign with minimal translation.

My GOD, all I remember doing at 5 or 6 were stick figures in with big giant heads.

Very inspiring. I need to be more prolific in my work.

There were tons more but I took photos of some of the ones that stood out to me.

Which one do you like?

over 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
Photo 23833
this one is greatttt
over 16 years ago
Photo 23833
over 16 years ago
Photo 49253
I love them all~~
over 16 years ago
pure n beautiful
over 16 years ago
Photo 38658
I sure love them all!
over 16 years ago


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Member Since
May 19, 2008