演员, 歌手
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VANESS WU stole SWAROVSKI's lime light or 2R ???!!!|吳建豪偷走了SWAROVSKI的註目光輝或是2R???!!! |吴建豪偷走了SWAROVSKI的注目光辉或是2R???!!!

[Race Wong](/racewong) , ****[Philip Ng](/philipng) and myself attended Swarovski event to support our buddy-                 [Van Ness Wu](/vannesswu) as he was grooving his two new songs that night.

Van's new album- IN BETWEEN is definitely my pick album of the month. PLUS he directed his own music videos and was hands on with the development and editing from scratch. As a singer myself I know exactly how much effort and talent it takes to realize such quality work !! That night, Van's performance was the highlight of the night~!!

" Van I think your performance was AWESOMLICIOUS ~!

You deserve a KISS !! IN DA FACE !!"

If you don't believe ......Check out his music videoS and be SATISFIED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Video: Lucky me http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ysgh4p-mJP0 Video: Listen to your heart http://youtube.com/watch?v=MkHYYBybsfM| [](/racewong)

*[](/racewong)*** 黃婉伶*[](/racewong)*** 、[](/philipng) 伍允龍[](/philipng) 和我參加了Swarovski的活動,支持我們的好朋友-*[](/vannesswu)*** 吳建豪**** *********[](/vannesswu)*** *[](/vannesswu)*** 。當晚他表演了兩首新歌。

吳建豪的新專輯- IN BETWEEN絕對是我的本月精選。再加上他自己執導了MV,還參與從草樣開始的編輯、制作 我自己也是歌手,知道要拿出如此高品質的作品需要付出多少努力和天分!!吳建豪的表演是當晚演出的 高潮~!!


如果你不信…...請欣賞他的MV,得到 滿足!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Video: Lucky me http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ysgh4p-mJP0 Video: Listen to your heart http://youtube.com/watch?v=MkHYYBybsfM|

[](/racewong) 黄婉伶*[](/racewong)*** 、**** 伍允龙[](/philipng) 和我参加了Swarovski的活动,支持我们的好朋友-吴建豪[](/vannesswu) 。当晚他表演了两首新歌。

吴建豪的新专辑- IN BETWEEN绝对是我的本月精选。再加上他自己执导了MV,还参与从草样开始的编辑、制作 我自己也是歌手,知道要拿出如此高品质的作品需要付出多少努力和天分!!吴建豪的表演是当晚演出的 高潮~!!

“Van,我觉得你的表演非常棒~! 你应该得到一个吻!!在脸上!!”

如果你不信…...请欣赏他的MV,得到 满足!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Video: Lucky me http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ysgh4p-mJP0

Video: Listen to your heart http://youtube.com/watch?v=MkHYYBybsfM

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  44 评论s  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Lucky you, getting your picture taken with the super cutie!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 23160
Ack wish I was there with you guys!! Miss you all! ;)
接近 16 年 ago
High light of the night was when I saw ya'll there, thxz for the support~ God bless.
接近 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice... sounds like a good event!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 23833
Great pics!! Happy Belated again! =)
接近 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 20, 2007