Sean Tierney
演员, 编剧, 音乐家, 喜剧演员, 笔者
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Malaysian Vacation: Day 3.1: Conemasters

Saturday, October 15, 2011. Juru Auto City, Penang, Malaysia.

I awoke much too early at 7:02 AM. That’s not an early hour. But when you went to sleep only four hours before, it’s pretty f@#$ing early.

I splashed some water on my face...Read more

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Malaysian Vacation: Day 2

I awoke early on Friday. I had slept well, but like any good traveler was much more interested in doing than sleeping. I was in a new country and wanted to go out and see it. I had gone to sleep the night before very happy to be in Malaysia.

It’s a nice place. It has it’s idiosyncracies, to be sure, but even these can be interesting. To wit: the sign in the lobby of the Good Hope:

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The Full Boat

full boat: n. a full price or total amount of money; generally, all of something; as an adj., having many or elaborate features, options, or functions.

I’ve always loved the phrase ‘the full boat.’ I heard it a lot as a kid; when a friend of my uncle bought a Cadillac, he talked about how he got all the options by saying  ”Yeah, I got the full boat.”

I’m not sure what that has to do with this guitar. But when I was collating (!) the photos for this post, I had to name th...Read more

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Malaysian Vacation: Day 1

I originally intended to blog during my vacation. Then I decided it was just too much work. Because a lot of my vacation, as we will see, was spent in a blurry haze of movement and activity that left little time for monitor gazing. And thank God for THAT.

I decided to go to Malaysia on holiday for several reasons. One, I would be attending the Conemasters x Mean Machines 2011 gymkhana, a driving competition hosted and organized by my good friend Ben Lo.

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Driving Myself Crazy

I have problems. This is not news to me or anyone else who knows me.

One of the biggest challenges I deal with on a daily basis is the nearly chronic tension of some of my contradictions.

I have a PhD and used to teach university classes about cinema, but I can’t stand Ingmar Bergman, Truffaut, or Wong Kar Wai. I much prefer Wong Jing.

I have a remarkably broad and well-versed vocabulary and yet still find myself speaking in language that has brought repro...Read more

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Movie Review: The Sorcerer and the White Snake/白蛇傳說之法海

Snowboarding has historically always been a part of China.This film was the other half of the  33D Invader/蜜桃成熟時33DDouble Feature Saturday a while back. I know it took ...Read more

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Movie Review: 33D Invader/蜜桃成熟時33D

Can you hear the sound of one hand fapping?Last weekend the Gang of Film (電影人幫) managed another double header. It wasn’t a totally Dynasty affair, but we did manage to stay within the confines of the Newport...Read more

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I Hate to Admit It…

But they’re right.

I staunchly oppose piracy of films and music, but what is my ‘reward’ for this?

FBI Warnings, that ignorantanti-piracy PSA, and a bunch of previews I can’t skip for movies I’ll never watch.

And as my former students can attest, that abs...Read more

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Movie Review: 1911/辛亥革命

Even Sun Yat Sen looks up to Jackie Chan. Sun Yat Sen must have been really f@#$ing short.

Last Thursday night, before seeing 1911/辛亥革命, I  Tweeted “Braving #8 typhoon to watch Jackie Chan’s new film. Nesat will blow, 1911will suck. Praise the Gang of Film! #wewatchmoviessoyoudonthaveto”

...Read more

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You Have to Admit It’s Funny

I went to graduate school in Washington DC. DC has a significant gay population and hosts a Pride Parade every year (as far as I know).

One of the things I really regret never watching during the Pride festivities were the drag races in Dupont Circle, DC’s gay neighborhood.

Drag racing? In the city?

In our nation’s capitol???

No, silly, not cars.

Drag queens.

Sprinting.Read more

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If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.


Hong Kong
April 1, 2008