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Sean Tierney
Actor , Screenwriter , Musician , Comedian , Author
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Movie Review: Flying Swords of Dragon Gate/龍門飛甲

This was the second-to-last film I saw in 2011. I saw it with the Gang of Film at Olympian City cinema.

This film is a (insert annoying Hollywood verb here) of King Hu’s 1967  Dragon Inn as well as Raymond Lee’s 1992  New Dragon Inn. 

Jet Li appears in what must now be his third or fourth ‘last’ martial arts film...Read more

about 13 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

The Cost of Stupidity

I spend a lot of time in Fo Tan’s industrial area.

I spend so much time there that you could almost say I live there.

But it’s illegal to live in an industrial building, so don’t say that.

It’s an interesting place, because it’s a place that people work but don’t live.

Really, I mean it.

In simple terms, it means that, for instance, around 9:00 a few thousand people show up there. There is traffic all the ...Read more

about 13 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Movie Review: Speed Angels/極速天使

 More like slow devils.

2012 starts with a resounding thud.

The Gang of Film (電影人幫) even saw Speed Angels/極速天使 at Olympic, since the Dynasty wasn’t going to work.

We all knew this movie was going to be bad, but not this bad.

I could go into excruciating detail, but its really not worth it. Just believe me when I say its a stupendous tr...Read more

about 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

It’s Not OK to Be Cheap. Or Stupid.

I go to Circle K a lot.

They have sandwiches.

It’s convenient, and I like the sandwiches.

What more could I ask for, right?

Well, sometimes they have promotions. Most convenience stores in Hong Kong do.

But here’s a Gweilo Moment for you: I find it to be standard operating procedure for the cashiers in convenience stores to not give me the little stickers or whatever other Hello Kitty/Pokemon...Read more

about 13 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

HKG-SEC Update

I’m slowly starting to gather all the parts for my latest project, which I have dubbed HKG-SEC, short for Hong Kong Guitars Stephens Extended Cutaway.

Yes, I just stuck the two acronyms together. Sue me.

I wanted to add something unusual to this build, and since it’s essentially going to be a ‘stunt guitar’ (i.e. to be used in a meretricious, excessive manner), I figured it could use something special to make new and exciting noises.

It will be a stunt guitar si...Read more

about 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Malaysian Vacation: Day 5

Monday, October 17, 2011.

One nice thing about good hotels is that they’re not cheap with the curtains.

And the Ixora was a very good hotel.

With good curtains, you can block out the light.

All the light.

So if you want to sleep past daybreak you can.

That’s important, especially if you only got to sleep shortly before daybreak.

I vaguely recall eating...Read more

about 13 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Being a Professional Asshole

A while back, my phone rang. It was Kevin Li, of LMFand Hardpackfame.

I never expected him to call me.

I really admire Kevin’s drumming. He’s rock solid and can lead a band remarkably well. I remember the 2nd Alive Not Dead anniversary band show at Grappa’s; Kevin was essential...Read more

about 13 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

New Winter Project: Building an SEC neck

I have a weird thing about signature guitars: some of my favorite designs are by my least favorite guitarists. I absolutely love George Lynch’s Kamikazes and owned an LTD version.

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about 13 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Movie Review: White Vengeance/鴻門宴

Where’s the white people?

A truncated Gang of Film (電影人幫) ventured to the Golden Harvest in Mongkok last Thursday night to catch  White Vengeance/鴻門宴, the latest film from director Daniel Lee/李仁港.

He directed Black Mask.

Then again, he directed Read more

about 13 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Shameless Display of My Shame

I wrote this a while ago, but had been saving it. Then I got bronchitis a couple weeks ago, and it added a certain piquant pertinence (!) to this entry. So please, enjoy it.

As I often write, my health, especially in winter, has necessitated an intake of a certain liquid medication that is a popular recreational drug for young people (and at least one middle aged expat) in Hong Kong.

Yes, I drink a lot of cough syrup when its cold. Because I am often sick all f@#$ing wint...Read more

about 13 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


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