Yes, because if we all just behaved, the CCP might give HK democracy... #FatFxckingChance They. Never. Will.
They're the kids who know Recess Lady has their back, and dare us to say something. Okay: nice pants; do they make 'em in your size? /5
This meretricious nonsense is the logical result of telling kids they're not allowed to make fun of how other kids are dressed. /4
A cosmic rift means that 19th-century whalers and the dandies they would drunkenly assault have melded into one. /3
The look is easily described as Fisherman in Prep School, or Lockjaw Lumberjack. It's as if Grizzly Adams and Mrs. Howell had a child. /2
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.