Who's catching the #AngryBirdsMovie? Join the #Angrify yourself contest on @sonypicturessg Facebook page and win yourself tickets to the advanced screening of the #AngryBirdsSG Movie! Go join now!
Sometimes, it's not our expectations that's high. To hand our future to a guy, we have to think carefully, it's not just about the guy, it's also about his heart. ❤️ ?+??: @reyna_hearts
他:你还好吗? 他:你看起来很累。 他:你看起来压力很大。 他:你是在生我的气吗? 他:你在不开心什么? 我:这只是我平常的表情。 #天生臭脸
Him: Are you ok? Him: You look tired. Him: You look stressed. Him: Are you mad at me? Him: What are you unhappy about? Me: It's just my face. ? #RestingBitchFace
Gotcha! Do not let words affect you. Do not let other people stop you from doing what makes you happy. Follow your dreams, follow your feelings!
被偷拍了,但我看起来还蛮认真的。? 如果你不去尝试做你喜欢的事;如果你不去追求你认为最有意义的东西,你会后悔。人生之路很长,总有时间去实施备选方案,但不要一开始就退而求其次。请在醒着的时间里,追求你认为最有意义的。#快乐星期六
Someone took a sneak shot of me, and I'm looking so serious! ? If you don't attempt the things you like, if you don't go after the things you find meaningful, you will regret. Life is long, there will always be time to try out backup plans, but don't go for the secondary options right from the start. Pursue the dreams you find most meaningful when you are awake, not asleep. #HappySaturdayEveryone
What a #Surprise! Dearest Dr Shondelle is back in #Singapore for good! Woohoo... ?? Thanks Dr Brad Power from #AbsoluteChiropractic for arranging this lunch meet up... Can't wait to get my first adjustment in 4 years. ?
Let go of some matters, and you might realized how relaxing life could be. Walk away from some people, and you might notice how simple and innocent life could be. We always try to move forward by carrying a burden, we always think with complexed emotions, while some matters are indeed worrisome, you need not carry the burden for every single problem. In life, there are indeed some people who ain't pure, but it doesn't mean we have to join them. #XiMu...Read more
刘海刺眼就去修剪,身材不好就去锻炼,没钱就努力去赚。别把窘境迁怒于别人,唯一可以抱怨的,只是不够努力的自己。 加油,会有那样的一天,你活成了你最想要的样子,过去所有的伤痕都变成了勋章 。
If your fringe is obstructing your vision, trim it. If your physique is not as good, train it. If you don't have the money, earn it. Don't blame others for your situation, you can only blame yourself for not working hard enough. One day, you will be leading the life you envisioned, and the old pains & scars will then become your medals. #Fighting!
In this lifetime, we need to learn how to handle lies, deal with superficiality and deception. Soon you will understand, you might not succeed even when you persist, and giving up doesn't mean you admit defeat. Rather than going head-on, why not move out elegantly. Give yourself some space to learn how to think, how to wait, how to adjust. In life, many a times, what you need is not just dedication, but a carefree smile.