Official Artist
Tiffany Yong
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host , Dancer , Author
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Have been overindulging for the past one week. Time for some quick #workout! Remember, your body is a reflection of your #lifestyle.

Exercise for crop tops, #bikinis, confidence, jealous looks, short shorts, fun, #health, #happiness, jaw drops, but most of all... Do it for yourself!

over 8 years ago 226 likes  0 comment  0 shares

星期一又到咯,记得要开心哦!每天早上一次的正向思考可以改变你的一整天。要不然,就看看帅哥呗!(男生就看美女吧!)? #马里奥毛瑞尔 It's Monday, don't forget to be awesome! Remember, one small positive thought in the morning will change your whole day. If all fails, look at this picture ? #MarioMaurer #TakeMeHome #มาริโอ้เมาเร่อ

over 8 years ago 200 likes  0 comment  0 shares

湄南河(又称 #招披耶河)风景宜人,在拉塔纳科辛岛 的 玛哈拉码头文青市集 和朋友拍了个旅客 #到此一游 照。

这个观光景点有着丰富的文化历史,除了皇宫和博物馆、玉佛寺、#涅槃寺、#黎明寺、泰国国立法政大学、#曼谷辛巴克恩艺术大学等。这里也有泰国最大的护身符卖场哦。 有谁来过这里呢?

Enjoying the beauty of the #ChaoPhraya River and taking the classic #WeAreHere photo at the must-see tourist attraction #ThaMaharaj in #Rattanakosin Island, built in the early Ratttanakosin period. Tha Maharaj is surrounded by rich cultural heritage and tourist attraction of #Thai arts, museums, The Grand Palace, #WatPho, #WatArun The Temple of Dawn, Thammasat University, Silapakorn Fine Arts University, and ...Read more

over 8 years ago 185 likes  0 comment  0 shares

泼水节 期间,信徒会到佛寺堆沙造塔,塔尖插上几枝缠着花布、彩纸的竹校,供奉僧人。这代表信徒将在一整年离开佛寺时带走的沙土归还给佛寺。

在古代,男生也借此机会约心仪女生出来。一起堆沙塔的邀约也从此有着”表白”的意思。☺️ During #SongkranFestival, Sand is brought to the temple grounds, made into stupas and decorated before being given to the monks as a way of making merit. The act is a symbolic way of replacing any soil or sand that may have been removed unwittingly on the shoes of #temple visitors as they have left the temple grounds on their previous trips during the year.

Unknown to many, in the past, this was an opportunity for men to ask the lady they lik...Read more

over 8 years ago 173 likes  0 comment  0 shares

This is what I do when I'm too lazy to put #MakeUp. ? Representing #Singapore to attend a #UNEP Asia-Pacific Sustainable Consumption and Production program as a youth ambassador! Can't wait to meet the other ambassadors from 23 other countries! Hey #Bangkok, wait for me! Who else is there, let me know! #Songkran

over 8 years ago 183 likes  0 comment  0 shares

一个了不起的人,并非可以掌控别人,而是可以掌控自己。明白自己想要什么,知道什么能做 什么不能做,可以控制自己的情绪, 可以选择自己走的路,可以去思考,可以在失落后又鼓足勇气。我们每天都在一点一点地丢掉自我。如果你迷茫,你需要的不是找回路,而是找回自我。

A great man is not one who can control others but one who can control himself. Know what he wants, know what can be done and what can't, able to control his own emotions, able to choose his own path, able to think, able to stand back up again after failing. Everyday, we are slowly losing ourselves to the society. If you are lost, it's not a return path but your true self that you need to look for.

Hair by @ng_fannie fro...Read more

over 8 years ago 173 likes  0 comment  0 shares

不要让一个 #女人 适应孤单, 一旦她适应了, 也就不再需要你了。

Never let a #woman get accustomed to loneliness, once she does, she no longer needs you. #BershkaCollections

over 8 years ago 171 likes  0 comment  0 shares

玩家们,赢了游戏却输了一个人的真心,值得吗? #游戏结束

Dear players, you may have won your game but you've lost her heart ❤️ #GameOver

over 8 years ago 196 likes  0 comment  0 shares

时间 并不会真的帮我们解决什么问题,它只是把原来怎么也想不通的问题,变得不再重要了。

Time won't really help solve any problems. They will only turn these problems into something that's not that important.

over 8 years ago 167 likes  0 comment  0 shares


If you don't understand my #silence, you will never understand my words.

over 8 years ago 162 likes  0 comment  0 shares



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