Everything that happens in life is neither good nor bad. It just depends on your perspective. #StoleMySistersDressToday
唉,别人看 #跑男 是笑,我却哭了。 有时,最闹心的烦躁是你根本不知道自己究竟在烦什么,无缘无故就全身负能量爆棚 。对女生来说,这其实就叫 #大姨妈要来了 ? #经前综合症 Can't believe I actually cried watching #ChinaRunningMan. Sometimes, the worst kind of frustration is the type where you don't even know why you are frustrated! The #negativity energy level simply just shoot up. For ladies, I guess it simply meant #PMS. ? #Om
We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves #strong. The amount of work is the same.
对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好! #加油星期一 The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. #MondayMotivation
不要让别人成为你的一切,自己却只是他的选择之一。要知道,选择我、要不失去我。 我不是备胎,也绝对不是你的候补名单。#你是生活主角 #爱自己 #加油 Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. Choose me or lose me. I'm not a backup plan, and definitely not a second choice. #LoveYourself #LoveLife
不要老是愤怒、伤害或痛苦。它们偷走你的精力,让你得不到 #爱。 - 李奧‧巴斯卡力
Don't hold to #anger, #hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from #love. - Leo Buscaglia
@BlueManGroup launched their 25th Anniversary #WorldTour with Singapore as their first stop!
I'm one of the few #ChosenOne to get #blue-d by them. Does that make me qualify to be one of the #BlueMan? ? The #BlueManGroup performance will be in #Singapore @MarinaBaySands till 24th April! Get your tickets soon. ? Thanks @baseasia #BaseAsia for the invite #CanonSG #ExperienceAwesome #BlueManSelfie