Wayne Chang
演员, 选角导演
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Who's Casting What in Soap World

A friend of mine recently signed up for a Soap Workshop, hoping that he will have the chance to land an Under 5 or a Principal role. After he told me about the workshop... I told him that the person who is teaching at the workshop only cast Background roles for the show. Of course, I don't know what happens with the headshot once the Casting Assicoate took it back to the office. I've never taken a Soap Workshop, so I never get to ask if all the Principal, Under 5, and background casting share the same Talent Pool....Read more

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Acting Schools & Workshops in Los Angeles

Previously, I have blog about Acting Schools & Seminars in New York. The list kept on growing... Because I have been added new information whenever I came across them. So, those of you who have been following my blog... Should check back on my entries. (I have added the LA and NY school information to my links section (points to the left)

Anyway, being originally from Los Angeles, ...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Class with Jonathan Strauss....?

Those who have been reading my blog, or been in my class, would probably know that I'm constantly looking and comparing pricess for the Casting Director workshops.

You know, at which studio would you would be paying the best price for the session.

However, there are Casting Directors that only teach at certain places.

For example, Casting Director Jonathan Strauss (Casting Director, Law & Order: SVU) only teaches at Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Teens & Young Adults

Recently, I have been pretty active on Yahoo!Answers - responding questions about the business of acting. How to get started and where.

80% of the Questions were posted by Young Adults inquiry about wanting to be an actor, and wanting to be on the Disney Channel.

Everyday, I basically copy-and-paste my answers to one to another post (with some modifications based on the question). It's pretty much the same thing they wanted to know.

Questions:...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Acting Schools & Workshops in New York

I have been asked for recommendations for good Acting Schools / Studios in New York. But the fact is, I cannot tell wither or not if a school is GOOD... The techniques taught may have varies result for actors. Some Actors clicks with a particular approach, while others just couldn't get into it.

Acting Schools/Studios:

William Esper Studio Herbert Berghof Studio Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Nelly Yuki, She's Nelly Yuki

Earlier this week, the TV show " Gossip Girl" introduced a new character, Nelly Yuki. She is "lactose intolerant," mega Book Worm, and wears GIANTIC GLASSES!!

I'd love to see more of her. I mean, Asian Representation!!!! Nelly Yuki!! Go Nelly Yuki!! Because She's Nelly Yuki!!!!

So, everyone, if you enjoy the show, or want to support...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

...So this is the Truth...

After emails after emails, the producer of "Catchin' up with Fred" responded back to me. He did said that he will send me an 'edited' version of the film. Mainly because, for the original film, he had removed scenes involving my character "Miranda." He said that he felt the character had no impact with the storyline... But I really hope it's not my BAD performance that he felt the need to get rid of "Miranda."

Maybe that's why other actors in the film had never respond to my...Read more

大约 18 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

More Auditions

Things are really kicking in - I've got four auditions line up for this week.

I attended the screening of "Cornstarch Gizmo" the other day. Directed by Astro Saladino (this guy is awesome). I have never read the entire scrīpt - so, after watching the full 1 hr and 15 minutes of the film, I was in awe. It was more than I expected. Definately dark comedy. Very Dark, and very Funny in a distrubing way. I love it!!

...Read more
大约 18 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Yep. I do have Makeup

Recently, on a shoot, one of the crew members asked me:

"Wayne, how come you know so much? Like a girl."

My reply was:

"When you're in this business, you need to know. If not, your agent will tell you."

I'm referring to me knowing so much about makeups and skincare products.

I still remember the first time I met with an talent agent back in San Diego, she gave me 3 rules that all actors and model should follow.

1) Sun Block. Sun Block. Sun Block!

2) 20 m...Read more

大约 18 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares



english, mandarin
New York City, United States
September 11, 2007