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终于又到周末了,我跟好友 collin一直想出去郊外玩,但是一直没有时间,最近刚刚比完赛,有点闲余的时间,周六的晚上我们心血来潮,突然想去洗温泉。我开了将近两个小时的车来到了郊外(其实只用一小时的路程就够了,是我们找不到路,跑丢了!有个叫“九华山庄”的度假村,那里的风景和感觉真的很爽。是北京地区很有名的温泉度假村!我们在那里游泳,游完了回到温泉里喝着小酒,玩着“接歌”的游戏 ...!没得不亦乐乎,也许是我们平时的生活太过拘束紧张了,洗个温泉,就把我们美的不行了,哈哈 !!!
Finally its a weekend coming up again ... my friend collin and me, we always wanna to go out of beijing to have some fun together.but we don't even have much time to go out before the nationals competition. so we decided to go to spa at the saturday night.i drived almost 2 hours to got to that place its called " Jiu hua shan zhuang "( actully it was only 1 hour way from my school to this spa, but we were lose ourselfs on the freeway )... its a very nice place and also very famous in beijing ! very thing are such beautiful ... we went to swiming and drank red vin in the hotspring ... that were just felt so good !!! maybe its just because our wushu professional training were so tired and bored ... that's why we enjoyed so much !!! haha ....(
by the way mark ... i plans to take u come to this spa when the next time u come to beijing ... so i can see ur beautiful ( . ) ( . ) again ...haha )
我在做一个武术跳跃动入水的动作,难度系数B,0.3的加分... (由于当时时间太晚的问题,这个动作的拍摄没法用连拍,所以,你现在看到的这三张照片,是我跳了N多次才算完成的!)
这张照片要是让道教的兄弟们看见了,非把我皮拨了不行 :-)
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com