As what i mentioned from last blog, i am here in Jiangxi yichun for another chinese national wushu competition.and i just finished it. I am so HAPPY that i WON again !!! i got noting much to say ... haha !!! so happy !!!
All the competitions of the year are finished, i feel so good right now.nothing much ganna be worry about.while i go back,i am ganna go party for sure !!! i really miss all my friends back in beijing ...
今年的所有全国比赛都结束了,我突然感到整个人轻松了很多...之前没有比赛完的时候,我的心情一直是紧张的状态。一刻都不敢放松自己。身为一名专业的武术运动员,我所做的一切事情都是为了比赛做准备!感觉压力好大啊!这下好了,最后的比赛,给了自己一个完美的结局。在08年的最后一刻画上了一个圆满的句号!我可以问心无愧的说,我没有辜负我的教练和老妈的期望!我很念在北京的好朋友们,相信你们也想我了吧?哈哈。。。我26号就回来了,我们去HAPPY 啊!憋了太久了,呵呵!!!等我啊。。。(迫不及待)
Here is the video of me competing in "Drunken sword".i hope u enjoy it !!!
我的教练“卢金明”老师。My coach "Lu jingming"
My teammate "Xu minghu".actully he just started to practice Drunken sword and he got the 2nd place as well ! i am also very happy for him . :-)
许明虎,李岩,赵坤,马勇。" xu minghu . li yan . zhao kun. ma yong "
“ 赵坤 我 侯雯 王琮 ”Zhao kun. me. Hou wen. Wang cong.( They all from the Henan wushu team )
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博: 工作邮箱