wherehow ... i really like the shots of train track .
Went for japanese foods again with My friend Lin Nabing.
姐们儿 张蓝心,也加入了我们的发泄一族!
Me and Zhang Lanxin .... 这张照片太装了,哈哈!such posers !!!
A few days ago.I did a short action demo for her at a friend's studio. she haven't practice for years ... but her moves are still looking good !!! beside that ... I'm happy for her. because she got the job of the movie " Blood bond "!!!congratulations ...
And also need to thanks Raffi forward the message on time.unfortunatelly they start to shot in next month.which i dont have the time to do it ... Maybe next time la !!! :-)
上周帮 蓝心拍摄一组简短动作的视频小样,她跟我说,她已经N久没练过了。但是我觉得她的动作还可以,还没有到“武功全失”的地步,呵呵... 然后把小样发给了BLOOB BOND 的剧组。结果制片方很喜欢她,决定让她来演这部戏的反一号女角色。恭喜恭喜...不管这个小片拍的如何,最起码我们的目的达到了!也让一部分制作人看到了你的闪光点。真的为你感到高兴!!!以后的路还很长,加油吧!祝你好运...
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com