关于《太极》我必须要感谢一个人,一位对我入行影响很深的前辈,一个超级帅气和蔼可亲大哥哥!谢谢你带小迪进入<太极>这个温暖的大家庭!我会继续努力的...Happy belate birthday !!! [蛋糕] thank you so much !!!
This is my first time worked as a dirctor...hope
今天是《龙门飞甲》上映的第一天,请大家走进电影院支持我们中国人自己的3D大片!我在片中饰演反派 西场杀手赵通。兄弟姐妹们都来给捧个场啊...龙门一定不会让你失望的!
...Read more周星驰先生绝对是我的偶像...相信不少人也曾经像我一样,看着他许许多多的经典喜剧电影长大的。他对我说自己一直对中国功夫情有独钟,以后的部分创作也会跟功夫有关,那天的交谈很愉快,希望早日能跟星爷合作!期待中...Finally i got to meet my idol Stephen chow ... he told me likes Chinese kungfu a lot and he got plans to do more movies with kungfu as well, we had a nice chat from that day...I'm looking forward to work with him some day!!!
今年五月在美国接受了“功夫杂志”的采访...半年过去了,这期杂志终于出来了,自己也收到了一份。很开心...谢谢 Emilio哥哥帮我写的稿子,也感谢远在美国粉丝们的支持!我会继续努力的...O(∩_∩)O哈哈~同时也希望能够不断的带给大家更多惊喜!!!
Did the interview with "Inside Kungfu" in may when i was in the US . 6 months later the magazine has finally released in the States... im very happy to receive the mail from Emilio. thank you so much !!!
also wanna say thanks to...Read more
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com