Some of the random stuff i end up capturing on my camera on occasion... this was from a few weeks back (still behind on my blogging!)
After we watched 'Forbidden Kingdom', a few of us went to Kowloon by MTR:
While we were there, i caught some of the amazing physical art, known as Parkour.... あそこで珍しパルクール出演を見た。。。<...Read more
ok, more from the anniversary party -- let me try to get through as many of these as possible! i took way too many good pics that night! ;-)
my friends あさみちゃんandよしみちゃんcame out from Macau for the event:
they had such a good time at Audiotraffic's party in March, i knew they wouldn't miss this one.
Pat Lee did some Transformers:
OK, sorry for the delays in posting these up... my photos from last Sunday's anniversary party:
As i mentioned in my teaser blog, we got there several hours early to set up. Once we got the sign boards set up and the sound system was ready, the artists who were going to perform came by to do some sound checks:
In case you didn't know:
Ankie Beilke Blog: Ankie is the beautiful girl you see in National Geographic 10th Anniversary Special Commercials. She also goes by Ankie Black and just Ankie. Her Chinese name is 貝安琪.<...Read more
No blog last night or today...
Yesterday i started getting a sore throat and feeling a bit feverish, last night it got a lot worse and i suffered through the night w/ a runny nose and the chills...
its better now (the next afternoon), mostly because i once i finally got to sleep for real (about 3am) i was out of it almost all morning.
i've gotta try to work from home and also do some errands today (like get Three to finally fix my phone!?)
i'm supposed to fly back to the US tomorrow night, hopefully they ...Read more
Wow, what a find! I picked this one up in April in the discount section at a DVD store in Mongkok. The VCD version was only like HK$10, thats like US$1.25. The reason I got it wasn't the price though, it was the fact that it featured none other than our own Terence Yin in one of his early film roles. It a...Read more
just got home... its almost 6am!
I was downtown visiting the set of a film currently in production. it was really cool!
I decided to take a taxi home instead of taking a bus like normal, since i didn't want to have to wait for it to come and have to walk home from the bus stop...
I went to the spot where the 'cross harbor' taxis normally park and told the driver i wanted to go to kowloon. if you take a regular taxi across the harbor you have to pay double the toll (so the driver can go back across afte...Read more
hey, what the hell, its been 6 hours since it went public and zero comments! :-(
it took so much work to get all these videos together! artists anniversary video! |alivenotdead.com一周年慶祝 Unfortunately we couldn't get everyone - but it was awesome to get Daniel, Kelly, James Kyson Lee (Ando!), Van Ness, Andrew, Terence, Conroy, Lisa, Josie, 24 Herb...Read more
wow, what an amazing party! :-P
i need to wake up in 5 hours, so i won't make this too long:
Party wasn't perfect but turned out really well. Great turnout, great performances, great fun! (but of course lots and lots of work!)
here's a few teasers!
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