Hello everyone, sorry I've missing in Action for awhile, I am busy filming in Nanjing. preparation for my art exhibition at the same time, also doing renovation for my new Special Effects shop. Busy as Hell.
Here is a blog my buddy Peter Ho wrote on his blog, it is really fun, Thought I share It with you guys. Thank you peter!!
面的东西太古怪,所以最近被潘多拉星人绑架。Read more
Hi, I not sure if you guys know I like 12" figures a lot. Here is a fun video I found on youtube.
For Mainland viewers
Video: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/w3hC8ldsccs/
| 嗨,不確定大家知不知道我特別喜歡12“人物模型。 這是我在Youtube上看到的一個有趣的視頻。
Video: http: //Read more
Wow!! Another year huh? Whew.....it went so fast. But am I glad 2009 was over. ButI wish everyone here on the site has a very happy Chinese new year, a very productive year for everyone.
I am currently on a break, but I was in Nanjing filming a TV drama. I will be back there again after
Chinese year year. But anyway, I would like to announce I will have my first Oil Painting exhibition in Hong Kong on the 15th of April til the 25th 2010 at Schoeni Gallery on Hollowood road, Cent...Read more
I was filming a television feature 数字电影 in Wuxi during November last year. The show is called " Master of thief Zhi Cheng"神偷时迁. He was one of the outlaws in the Famous" Water Margin"水浒传 story in China. As some of you might be familiar with the Water margin story already. They are like Robin Hood back in the old days in Liang shan 梁山 (Liang Mountain ) region.
As for my cha...Read more
Hello Y'all
The Brand new 2009 Johnny Walker TV commercial is out. A friend just told me they have seen it in Mainland and Taiwan. Taiwan has been airing them like crazy, he saw it at least 50 times on one channel per night.
Remember the one I've done couple years ago. It has five different episodes, The new one has two. it is a sequel to the last one, so the story actually continues..
Here are some behind the scene photos.
Get...Read more
Last month, I did a film with Derrick Yee, a very talented director in Hong Kong. It was a great opportunity work with him. Daniel Wu was in the same film too. The last time me and Daniel worked on the same film was "2000 A.D" back in 1999, that was when we first met. Although we did "Heavenly Kings" together which was our own project. But we haven't worked on the same film fo...Read more
hello all
I was very honored to become a volunteer to work for charity work project. The build project was organized by Habitat for Humanity. Nearly 3,000 Habitat for Humanity volunteers dedicated 166 homes in Thailand, Vietnam, China, Laos and Cambodia just within 2009. The houses were built or repaired as part of Habitat’s annual Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project, where the former U.S. president and first lady helped raise awareness about the need for afford...Read more
Lately, I had a chance to do a design for a non-profit organization called (Ambassadors of Designs). They held an event named "Detour".
The Detour's project aims are,
-Arouse wider public interest in design and the hong kong design community.
-Show case young, emerging Hong K...Read more
Kwai Chang Caine from Kung Fu is back in a modern setting《功夫》
Thank you for saving me batman!!
I didn't know superman takes the subway?
超人也得坐地鐵?? Read more
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.