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Alive boys back for Halloween 2009|Alive男孩重聚2009萬聖節|Alive男孩重聚2009万圣节

Since I didn't take any photos,  So I have to borrow some photos from all my friends and members.

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Come in and Vote (Best "HUSBAND" Of The Year)|進來為(年度最佳"老公")投票 |进来为(年度最佳"老公")投票

hey friends, come and do this voting survey for me. "Best Husband of the Year"

Look out for the red circles

" You said you were sweating like a pig last time...so.........."

"It will be just a minute,  we are almost there.  Hang in there sweat pea!! Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  67 评论s  0 shares

some funny photos to share with you all|和大家分享一些搞笑的圖片|和大家分享一些搞笑的图片

Hey grandma, that is not how you send a email..

don't park were you aren't suppose to, or....

Hey we got ourselves a spy in here. Read more

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Repainting a Toy (Iron Monger)|重漆一個玩具 (鐵霸王)|重漆一个玩具 (铁霸王)

I'm usually not a toy collector, but when I saw this action figure iron monger from ironman, I knew I have to get it.  I've really enjoy the Ironman film,  especially the designs of the flight suit and the mechanic of ironman and his villian, iron monger.

I saw this Iron Monger action figure in Toy-r-us.  it is just the normal Hasbro action figure.  T...Read more

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Keep Walking|繼續走|继续走

Hello all

Sorry for not blogging for awhile.  Me and conroy are doing another Johnny walker commercial In Shanghai again.  And for those of you who haven't seen the last years JW TVC.  Here it is.  Don't miss it.  So you will know what's up when the new one comes out.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmT74eOi6PU&feature=player_embedded | 大家好

好耐無寫Blog真的對不起。我同陳子聰又...Read more

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Time-lapse (some happy memories)|時光中的美好回憶|时光中的美好回忆

back in 2006 alive boys with our boss Mr. Willie chan

Back in the Alive days, when Alive boys were Santa Claus in a concert

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Pimp My Ride|改裝我的愛車|改装我的爱车

I have owned this beauty for almost 5 years now.  It is a 1998 Classic Rover Mini Cooper (Sports Pack/ wider wheel arches). 

Due to some circumstances I have to let her go.  But at least she is in good hands now.

I have been upgrading it ever since I got my hand on her.

Here is me with my orange beauty

Chromed out windshield wiper arms and twin wash jets an...Read more

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Taiwan's Typhoon and Flood|台灣的颱風和水災|台湾的台风和水灾

Four days after Taiwan’s worst floods in half a century,  Typhoon Morakot’s violence was finally over.  But many are still trapped in their villages and the death toll can add up to 500+.  Although the Taiwan government is doing something, but I feel they are not doing a very good job this time.  

I am here to urge everyone please help out if you can by donate to red cross or jet li's one foundation. 

thank you all

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Applause to BIOTHERM Homme|為碧歐泉鼓掌|为碧欧泉鼓掌

As my Wifey always says,  "hey you are not a teenager anymore, put some lotion on your face, they are cracking."   But do I listen?  NO...

As some of your might know I just had another birthday.  Meaning I am getting older by the day.

I do start feeling I need to take care of myself a little bit more.  Not only Physically but skin too.

Couple...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  48 评论s  0 shares

Some very "Creative" Commercial Ads

These Ads are just out of this world

FedEX is so fast, people call them to transport fire truck.联邦快递广告,比火警还快,所以干脆用他们家快递救火车。

Good dog food,  makes dogs strong.Pedigree狗粮广告,吃过之后直接变超狗。

Bad dog food makes Bad dog坏狗粮吃出坏狗狗 Read more

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I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007