Official Artist
Andrew Lin
Actor , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator , Painter
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update, finally.|終於更新了|终于更新了

hey friends

I have been super super busy for the last few months.  My special effects shop in Beijing was working on two film projects at the same time.  It was pretty hard work, but very fun though.

Although we are still in production now, but it will end soon.

I got a couple good news to share with you all.  Remember the special effects make-up film ( Dream Home) I've done with Josie Holast year?  Anyway, this film has won two awards from Sitges film festiva...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  33 comments  0 shares

My Beijing Art Exhibition in this Sunday.|我本周日在北京的藝術展|我本周日在北京的艺术展

Hello guys

For those of  you who missed my Hong Kong Art exhibition.  Here is your second chance. 

I am holding an exhibition in Beijing starting August 15th to 25th.  If  you happen to be in town or live in Beijing. Please drop by and check them out.  I will be there on the 15th, hope to meet some of you there.

See ya!! Where: 北京, 洒仙桥, 798艺术区, 3818库内When: Sunday, August 15 5pm - August 25Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  27 comments  0 shares

Another good reason to learning a second language.| 學習以外的又一個好理由|学习以外的又一个好理由

Why we should learn some Basic English if we want to be a government official.

Personally, I think this is pretty funny.




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over 14 years ago 0 likes  25 comments  0 shares



可能知道我是台湾人的缘故?其实我很小就离开那里了, 虽然那里是我的故乡, 但是12岁上完小学我就跟家人一起去了美国。 所以现在如果真让我以主人的身份去做个向导, 可能我没有那些真正的本地人灵光了。不过,我还是很留恋那里, 因为那里的乡情,也因为那里的美味, 现在我还是会经常想念小时候喜欢吃的东西。 虽然现在不会长住在台湾,但是一有机会我还是会回去看看。 即使不是拍戏,每年我也要抽出一些时间来, 回到故乡感受一下那里的气息.

          说道购物,其实台北现在有很多可以逛的地方。101大楼就不用说 了,那里名牌啊,生活用品啊都很全, 而且晚上还可以到上面去看夜景,尤其是过年的时候, 在那里看倒数很浪漫的。如果是年轻人,我就推荐去西门町, 那里能找到很多物美价廉的潮品,只是那些小店会比较多, 逛起来要一两天的时间吧。如果你的经济实力还不错, 我推荐去东区,就是忠孝东路那边。那边的品牌很齐全, 而且也有很多精致的小物件,逛起来也超赞的。


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over 14 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Special Effects Make-up for "Dream Home" (Warning Bloody photos) Part II|《維多利亞壹號》特效化妝(血腥照片警告) 第二部|《维多利亚壹号》特效化妆(血腥照片警告) 第二部

Hello all,

Thank you for the great feed back on the first sets of photos.   Here are the second sets to share with you all from "Dream Home" the movie. I also would like to use this chance to thank the crew that work so hard with me on this project in Thailand.  Mr.Q , guy, wood, boat, beer for their hard work.  Keep it up!!

prosthetic neck appliance ready for blood squirting actionRead more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  43 comments  0 shares

Special Effects Make-up for "Dream Home" (Warning Bloody photos)|《維多利亞壹號》"Dream Home" 特效化妆(血腥照片警告)|《维多利亚壹号》"Dream Home" 特效化妆(血腥照片警告)

Last  year, My buddy Conroy Chan asked me to help him with his film "Dream Home"doing Special effects make-up.  The first slasher film ever made in Hong Kong.  The movie is out in Hong Kong cinemas right now.  Please go check it out.  If you do not have a strong stomach,  don't forget to bring a vomit bag with you. Yeah, it's pretty nasty.

Here are some making photos.

...Read more
almost 15 years ago 0 likes  82 comments  0 shares

Short " Video" of my Exhibition|關於我畫展的一小段視頻|关于我画展的一小段视频

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NQulDOmLAQ Howdy

For those of you who missed the Hong Kong Exhibition,  Here is a short video of the night.

The exhibition will be there till April 30th.  Go check it out if you are around the area.  I want to thank Nicole schoeni from Schoeni gallery on this amazing video she edited.

Here is a clip of the interview.

Video: Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Thank you my friends for support my art.|多謝朋友們支持我的藝術創作|多谢朋友们支持我的艺术创作


 friends I would like to thank everyone who came to my solo exhibition

last night for support me and my art work. Truly appreciated. Hope you guys enjoy the art. It was a little crowded last night. Some of you might not get a chance to really look at the art, feel free to go back and check them out. It will be there till the end of the month. thanks again. Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares

Don't Missed my Exhibition this Wednesday night.|千萬別錯過我這星期三晚上的展覽|千万别错过我这星期三晚上的展览

Hello friends

My oil painting exhibition is coming up this wednesday.  On the same night, we have another exhibition at UFO gallery , Dead art comes alive.  Which is 2 minutes walk from Schoeni gallery. So make sure you check out both exhibitions that night.  come by and support local artists.

see ya there.

there will be 50 Limited edition T-shirts with my design for sale on the day.   And 15 sets of special embroidery art work too.

Here is s...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares

My first Oil Painting exhibition this month|我本月的第一個油畫展|我本月的第一个油画展

hey y'all

My exhibition is coming up,  April 21 at schoeni gallery on Hollywood road.  Any of you in Hong Kong are welcome to drop by and take a look.   I will be there hosting everyone. so if you like to come, please RSVP at the following link.


here are some information about the show  "Sins of Hong Ko...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  41 comments  0 shares


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.

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Hong Kong
Member Since
March 23, 2007