Today, I feel like to blog about acting, well.. Actor to be more specific. I have been working as an actor since 1996. I have work with different types of actors through out Asia, China, Taiwan, Hong kong, Singapore,etc. I've met and work with all grades of Actors, and I will categorized them in 3 different levels. They are: 1.Actor 2. Good Actor. 3. Great Actor.
1. Actor. This is the basic level. I truly think everyone in this world are born to be an act...Read more
Sitting at home during christmas, I've spotted a pair of boots I've owned for about a year lying around the doorway. Immediatelly, I have an urge to distress it, and make it look worn. Some shoe looks good shiny and new, but some look better when they are worn and distress. This boots of mine falls into that category.
I've picked up this distress(weathering) technique on the film set from the wardro...Read more
I am Still in Los Angeles, I will be spending time with families during the holidays and eat like a pig, and opening up the gifts under the christmas tree.
I have a present on the way to my house from a baby santa as we speak...
| 大家好…
我仍在洛杉磯,這個假期會跟家裏人一起度過,象小豬一樣猛吃,在聖誕樹下拆開禮物。Read more
I am back in los angeles now. I was in Las vegas for few days hanging with my little sisters, rosy and race. Here are a photo in venetian, and some pictures of my cat. She hasn't been in a good mood lately, cause she has been living in the cat hotel for the past two month.
Me, race, rosanne, rhonda| Hello
我、race、rosanne和rhonda我想你了,爸爸 (我,她的父親)!!| Hello
我现在回到了洛杉矶。跟两个小妹rosy和race在...Read more
Hello guys
Finally done with the project in shandong. I missed Hong Kong and All my friends. I would like to thank them for welcome me home . Especially my two little sisters Rosy and Race.
Here are some more pics from the series. As I've mentioned before, I'd played a teacher back in 1920's. The role requires me to play from the at age of 20's all the way till 60's. Here are some transitions of the aging.Starts off from a local restau...Read more
This is how I look when I am 60 years old.
Go ahead. Laugh it up...
| 這是我60歲時的樣子。開始吧,盡情笑我…
| 这是我60岁时的样子。
a pictu...Read more
Let me tell ya a story of the day.
I was picking herbs near the hillside in shangdong
| 跟你講講今天的故事。 當時我正在山東某山坡采草藥。
| 跟你讲讲今天的故事。 当时我正在山东某山坡采草药。| 今日の出来事を聞いてね。山東の丘の斜面でハーブを摘んでたんだ。
After hours of searching, I'd made it up to the edge of the cliff. Thinking to myself " wow, so hig...Read more
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are finally launching our short films for cruiser!!!
I'd shot my part of the short film in Tokyo almost a year ago. We shot the whole film within a week of time. It was a tough shoot but very memorable. I had so much fun working with the THK crew again, it is almost like a half play half work kind of thing.
Terence already did a detail explanation about the theme for this film, So I don't need to go in depth about it. But I'd still remember when terence aske...Read more
I took some time during off -work hours and did a little bit sightseeing around the town and country side. A very generous local goverment official offered to drive me around and be my tour guide.
Qixia, Shan Dong is known for " The best apples in China". Without further delay, the driver took us to do some apple picking. I have never seen so many apples in my life, There are acres and acres of land filled with apple trees. Basically, everywhere we went ,there are a few apple t...Read more
Yeah, Got your attention huh?
The higher you climb, the harder you fall. That is me now. It was hard coming back from a paradise and going straight back to work. I am currently suffering from a Post-Vacational Syndrome. Don't you all worry about me, I will be fine in a few more days...
Our THK screening went really well, so as the FTG screening too. It was awesome hanging out with Justin Li...Read more
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.