I think we would have been pal. If we knew each others!
Those interested in abstract and Surrealism Art form would know him. I think.. shouldn't assume.. Well, I'm currently researching on "Art and Childlikeness" and Joan Miro, he is my first research target. I think all artists have childlikeness in them. Anyone with...Read more
I'm not ugly...fortunately...
neither am I a raving beauty...unfortunately
... I'm just me... that's good.
If chance permit, a rare chance to explore the inside
There a brain, that may not contain all
But enough to be good and kind.
种善因。。。得善果Plant a benevolent seed to recieve benevolent results. -- Its a buddhist teaching but yes! Amen for that.
前因。。。后果... because I was... therefore I am
Whatever you do, there will be repercussion(Karma)
I woke up in the middle of the night with these thoughts in my head. I did mentioned that when I was travelling recently, I booked a flight in London through an agent. He booked me on the wrong flight and the wrong hotel and I ended up in a country that I have completely not planned...Read more
“我要交朋友,但我不要让你知道我是谁?”为什么,有些朋友喜欢把自己的头像抽象化呢?是怕被认出,或是样子长得不怎样呢?如果不满意自己的头像可以像我一样用代表物来当头像也行呀, 现用“旅行箱”代表喜爱旅游,之前用“纸球”代表纯洁与平凡。我就纳闷,好想看看呢些真面目。
"I want to meet new people and make new friends, but please don't ask me who I am."I have noticed many members of social networking heavily PSing their headshot. Are they concern about being recognised, or are they pure ugly? If you are not comfortable with using your headshot, you could use my method of using a representative product, like the travelling luggage (to r...Read more
I was often asked if travelling alone is dangerous, sometimes I received praises that its bravery to be able to travel alone as a single female. My philosophy is rather simple, if you ...Read more
天外有天,山外有山... 天上有仙女,山里有神仙...
Sky above sky, mountains beyond mountains, fairies in heaven, deity in the mountains....
今天又换了新头像片。 我会不定期的更换,有时会因为有新的相册或博客而更换。很多时候只是想把思念的心情用图像来表达。每一张图片,都有他们各自的故事。
I have changed a new profile picture again. I shall continue to change my profile picture ever so often. Sometimes I changed the picture because of the new release of a set of photo series or blog. Very Often its to make use of images to convey a certain memory and desire in my heart. Every picture has its own story.
Thank you to all the visitors and friends who have accommodated the constant changes.
One of my favorite toys. These paper balls are resilient, you can hit them, kick them, slap them hard... they deflat a little... give it a blow and it will return to its shape until you deliberately tear them or until it wear off due to age.
This is one toy that you can keep playing with for a long time, almost anytim...Read more
Live Theatre, Production and Technical Theatre Direction and Design. Photography and Art Directions. 舞台魅力:舞台布景,灯光,音响,特效,服装,造型设计等等。能制造不同的视觉效果,把故事的景象呈现给观众,带领他们