拉开了窗帘,望着豆大的雨滴,徭役着的棕榈树, 像是有朋自远方来,水滴在街灯的映照下,象水晶株帘闪烁着,孤独时,悲凄中还有一丝美。Read more
This article is for all who need to have a better understanding of how to effective, efficiently, maintain and protect the health of their computer.
This article will be useful to you if:
1) You know how to turn on the computer and are comfortable with simple computer operations.
2) You use basic computer functions but hardly take any special care of the computer
3) You love to surf the internet
Essential "must have" programmes for the above purposesRead more
"It is a proven fact ... routine Forensic Analysis equipment such as EnCase and F.R.E.D. used by Private and Business Investigators, Law-Enforcement and others, can recover evidence from parts of your hard drive that you thought were empty, parts that you had cleaned.
Your hard drive might appear clean ... but still be full of 'sensitive material' that you did not want to download in the first place and it might very well be a Serious Criminal Offence in your country to have that d...Read more
海琪禮品屋 - 大埔廣場 33-24號舖, 在香港。或可以帮我找到电话号码?
Anyone in Hong Kong can help me find their telephone number. I tried to find it online but I could not find the phone directory of Hong Kong online.
This is a toy totoro made of tin material and it walks when you wound it up. I would like to buy this... I have the plastic j...Read more
This is my imagination world.
When I was in RADA. I was given a presentation topic to design a set for a production. I chose to do "Tempest" - A Shakespearance Text. However being an Asian in RADA and with some racist lecturers in the Academy that were driving me nuts often set my loyalty to my ethnicity on fire... I wanted to present the whole TEMPEST as a Peking OPERA and that I did. I've always been proud to be Chinese and I feel great to be Asian. The "skewered ...Read more
P (The Pig, 猪), B (The Bird, 鸟) had a Conference: The Transcript (开会录) 敬请期待中文版本。updated: 2nd June 11:48pm
P: Look here! How long are they going to pull this off! First the bird flu, now the swine flu, when are these beings going to stop shoving all the responsibilities onto us? Study has already reported that the flu is not infecting pigs and has never been seen in pigs. Then why is it called "Swine Flu?"
B: I don't know man... I'm as...Read more
Here is the link to the video on this science subject. Yes, I have lots of interest in Art, History, Science and Technology. That sort of cover almost all of life. But strangely I don't have much interest in lifestyle and Entertainment so I hardly watch any TV programmes or go out pubbing with friends etc, I just love to stay in my room, work and then sleep. Not a life to many, but I feel safe... very safe.
我对艺术,历史,科学和科技都非常有兴趣。反之,我对生活与娱乐的兴趣不大,我其实就是这么一个没有乐趣的人。和我在一起,肯定非常闷的。我就喜欢在家,在房间里,工作,睡...Read more
My grandparents ran a "Teochew Street Opera Troupe", my grandfather 蘇三桐 is a 皮影戲
performer, he came from China with his youngest wife...he has quite a few. My grandparents decided to make Singapore their home, and when my grandfather died he left grandma here in Singapore, she continued to run his Teochew Street Opera Troupe till a very old age.
My grandma has a really cool name called “郑葡萄”, 葡萄 means "grapes", I guess her parents (my great grandparents) had wanted her to ...Read more
It was the most grueling 24 hours... almost died of pain. So many stitches on the wound of my extracted wisdom. Reason: The wall of my gum was too thin and during the extraction it tore apart and then he had to stitch it all up. I could feel the threads around me and him messing around with those threads. He has a little look of guilt in his eyes when he was giving me some "warnings" and "advices". He was telling me about how there are chances of errors, complication etc in every operation blah blah blah...Read more
And Mr God I pray... please let not those blinking headshots appear in my blog... I'd rather have no fans.... or friends, if their headshots are BLINKING!!!
Live Theatre, Production and Technical Theatre Direction and Design. Photography and Art Directions. 舞台魅力:舞台布景,灯光,音响,特效,服装,造型设计等等。能制造不同的视觉效果,把故事的景象呈现给观众,带领他们