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New MV finally!|最新MV登場!|最新MV登场!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hF1ok7UftY

This is the crazy mv i directed for our 1st Swing comeback album.  There will be 3 episodes.

All mvs had nothing to do with the songs. 

The point is, most of the mvs in the cantopop don't have anything to do with the songs anyways, we just make that point further.

As long as Jearld and I had fun, that's all it counts.

Thank you for all the hardwork comiing from our crew, co-director Eric Chong, and photogrphers.

Bow to Mr. Lau and Mr. Wong for coming back to bring out that classic scene from our beloved chinese "Legend of the Condor Heroes".  After 26 years, this is the first time reunion!

Special thanks to Helen, Karen and Grace.  You guys did a terrible job but that's what i asked for!  

What a memorable day!


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hF1ok7UftY

這是我為Swing首張回歸專輯執導的特別MV。一共有三集內容。所有MV都與歌曲無關。就是說大部分粵語流行歌曲的mv都會跟歌曲本身沒有任何關系,我們只是走得更遠一些而已。只要Jearld和我開心,那就值得。感謝我們團隊的辛勤工作,聯合導演Eric Chong,攝影師。向重現我們深愛的“射雕英雄傳”經典場景的劉先生,黃先生致敬。這是26年以來的首次團聚。特別感謝Helen,Karen,Grace。你們承擔了我要求的恐怖工作!永遠值得銘記的一天!|

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hF1ok7UftY

这是我为Swing首张回归专辑执导的特别MV。一共有三集内容。所有MV都与歌曲无关。就是说大部分粤语流行歌曲的mv都会跟歌曲本身没有任何关系,我们只是走得更远一些而已。只要Jearld和我开心,那就值得。感谢我们团队的辛勤工作,联合导演Eric Chong,摄影师。向重现我们深爱的“射雕英雄传”经典场景的刘先生,黄先生致敬。这是26年以来的首次团聚。特别感谢Helen,Karen,Grace。你们承担了我要求的恐怖工作!永远值得铭记的一天!

15 年多 前 0 赞s  29 评论s  0 shares
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
*Standing ovation* I love it man. I also dig the bright colors and the feel. The song is bad ass too. dadadada. Pls direct my mv next round. hahahah.
15 年多 ago
Palwong 45 palwong
I love it so much~! God damn cool.
15 年多 ago
Photo 37059
hahahah! Classic!
15 年多 ago
9bc4e6 f818454274f8468da1cc1fe7a6f516b3~mv2 d 1848 2768 s 2
cool! great video! keep Ur great energy and inspiration!!! jia you!
15 年多 ago
Photo 337367
Nah, objection ah! my "call waiting" mv is totally related to the song ga!!
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice! looks like it was fun to make.
15 年多 ago
Photo 429830
love your point!!!!
15 年多 ago
Photo 33413
Very cute and nostalgic. Is the book 葵花寶典 ?
15 年多 ago
super cool MV. Been looking forward to Swing's album since years ago !!
15 年多 ago
Photo 80548
That's a super funny MV!! :-)
15 年多 ago


Know yourself, and most of your problems can be solved.


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
August 4, 2008