Hong Kong Parkour
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Thursday, April 03, 2008

3月29日YOUTUBE 愛香港 fun享 party我們飛躍道非常有幸能於<>的影片比賽中, 分別於"獨立影片"和"精彩片段"2個組別中都得獎, 這無疑是對我們的信念我和我們的熱誠的認同, 得到別人的欣賞, 對我們所堅持的, 有別人去認同, 這比獎品, 榮耀更重要。

<> 是一個以愛香港為主題的影片比賽, 目的是希望香港人用影片記下自己身邊的事物, 用YOUTUBE來向其他人展示出自己眼中的香港是怎樣, 你為什麼愛香港。比賽分為2個組別, 分別是"獨立影片"和"精彩片段", 飛躍道分別以"飛躍道"和"I  Love  HK" 參加了2個組別的比賽,幸能2條影片都得到獎項, 最重要的不是獎項本身, 或是獎品, 而是得到別人的認同。於3月29日晚上, 香港YOUTUBE 舉行了一個得獎者的分享會, 當晚有不同的隊伍和得獎者表演, 飛躍道是第一隊出場的, 亦有上台分享, 以下是香港 YOUTUBE 方面將當晚的盛況剪輯而成的花絮和我們得獎的影片, 希望香港的文化...Read more

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Announcement / 公告

公告由於近期有太多朋友對本會發送電郵至本會, 希望加入Parkour 的行列, 我們為此非常高興, 不過有鑑於我們只是於練習中和朋友分享技術, 而不是公開招收學生, 而且我們必需照顧到我們現時一些和我們一起練習的朋友的安全和進度, 我們十分抱歉地, 我們決定除特別情況, 個別人仕外, 我們會停止增加新朋友加入練習, 這是為了保持練習的質素和安全性, 希望大家體諒。而如果依然有心想加入Parkour的行列, 請耐心等待, 我們我不定期舉行推廣日, 請留意我們的日誌更新, 而另一方面, 我們或會計畫於將來開設Parkour的課程, 請耐心等待。______________________________________________________________________________________AnnouncementBecause there is too much E-MAIL about wanna join us to star to practice Parkour,  frist, we really haapy for so muc...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

HKPA PIC session / 飛躍道 拍攝練習

HKPA have a pic session on 24th,March, 2008, that is a session for fliming and taking pic, that's a really funny session, thank you you all come and make the session fun! There is a  specially guest, Maluqinho from TricksFusion, thank you for come to us and have fun! He is really really great! We have take some video, but we will not disclosure, coz that is flim for our sponsor: G-TOX, but, we got many really good pic here, let check it out!!!(this is the frist part only, after we get all, we will upload more)

And, tod...Read more

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07年11月上海表演 / 2007 November performance in SHANGHAI

This is the opening performance held in Shanghai, for the watch brand Maurice Lacroix in 2007 November, represented by HKPA crew and other teams.

This is a really amazing event that consists of a number of singal part. Each part can also be taken as a singal performance , all of the performer are outstanding with international-level performance. We are the frist perform to the audience, sure that the audience include the important guest, such as the media all around the wrold.In the show, we will do ...Read more

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HKPA member - B boy EKO

In HKPA, each member also have their own style, own style in parkour, own style in life, and other things, now, our member EKO, a guy form HK and now in USA, a DJ, B-BOY and  Traceur,  now he is in USA, this is a video he flim in NY, a B-boy video, u will see what is his style, we all also have other skill, this is the frist video we put in AND blog and that's not about Parkour, yo, let's go Breaking!!! 

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

session on 13-3-08/ 08年3月13日練習

This is a session on 13-3-08, today everyone also in busy, today we just got a fews people in the session, so we keep moving, and doing parkour everywhere, today all of us also did somthing we haven't try, we all have got something! I hope everyone will keep on trying and the skill become better! See you guy next week!Parkour for life!這是08年3月13日的練習, 今天人數不多, 所以我們一路的練習, 一路的轉地點, 在任何地方練習。今天我們所有人都嘗試了之前做不到的動作, 而且都有所成功, 我們希望可以一直這樣下去, 讓技術不停的進步! 各位, 下星期再見, Parkour for life! 

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

9-3-08, HKPA 9-3-08 2009 East Asian Games Performance

9th, March, 2008, today HKPA have a show at TST, there is a performance  for the issue of Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games Mascot, much people, the show is not as good as we want, but anyways, already break a lag. Thanks for so much friends coming, thx for all the people support us! We will do it better next time, and we will show how's HONG KONG peoples good next time, See u at 2009 2009 East Asian Games!!2008年3月9 日, 飛躍道於香港尖沙咀進行了表演, 該活動為2009年東亞運動會吉祥物發佈會, 有很多朋友來了支持我們! 表演成果雖不如我們想像的好, 不過, 我們, 總算叫成功, 十分感謝...Read more

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Session on 28-02-08 / 28-02-2008日練習

Session on 28-02-08

This is a session on 28-02-08, tonight we got lot of people join our tranning, we all have fun for a whole night, thank you for everyone coming, hope you all like the session. We also got some ladys join us, somebody was really good at frist time, we hope they will keep on tranning. Tonight we have did some basic vaulting, and some combo, hope to see you all again next week!28-02-2008日練習

這是28-02-2008日晚上的練習, 這天有很多朋友參加練習, 大家都很開心的練習了一晚, 感謝大家的來臨, 希望你們喜歡這個練習。我們都有一些女學員加入, 有些新朋友在第一次的練習來說, 表現非常出...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

飛躍道個人影片系列 - 濤:Parkour race / H

飛躍道個人影片系列 - 濤:Parkour race

這是我們飛躍道的第一條個人影片, 今次是我們的隊員濤, 這條影片的主要是Parkour的本意: 點對點的路線性Parkour,  用最快, 最實用的方法越過障礙, 由一點到一點, 濤在這條影片中就示範了這個Parkour的根本, 不花巧, 實在的用最快最簡單的方法去走自己的路。 這是濤的個人影片, 在片尾, 也加入了一點他自己練習體操時的影片, 我們希望大家知道我們在練習Parkour之外都會有其他的個人技巧和興趣。 看影片吧:HKPA individual video: Steven: Parkour Race

This is our frist individual video, this time, present by Steven from HKPA, he will show us what's the true Parkour, point to point. From point a to point b, use the most factional and prestissimo movement, save, qiuck, and f...Read more

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Saturday, February 23, 2008

This is the session at 21-02-08, now, there is some lady's join our trainning now. there is many new friends some to join us, we are appreciate that some new friends can do something at firist time, also we can see somebody their skill is become better! Pls keep it on next week!

Train hard, play fun, Parkour for life!

這是我們於2月21日晚上的練習, 開始有女性朋友加入parkour的行列。有很多的新朋友一起練習, 我們很開心他們於第一次的練習已經做到了一些練習, 而一些舊人的技術都有明顯的提升。 下星期請保持下去! 努力練習, 玩的快樂, Parkour for life!

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares



Hong Kong
August 20, 2007
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